Hatzolah Members Boycott MDA Station In Eilat After Pork Products Found In Kitchen

mda11.jpgIn a bizarre, yet sad report, it has been learned that a number of the secular (non-frum) Magen David Adom personnel assigned to the Eilat station have been preparing pork products in the kitchen over past weeks.

The realization of this unacceptable reality prompted frum volunteers to boycott the station, angered over the total disregard for halacha and fellow-volunteers, and as such, have announced they will continue their life-saving activities through a different organization other than MDA.

YWN has also learned that what actually prompted the boycott, was the fact that many Frum Hatzolah volunteers have actually been using this kitchen for quite some time.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

10 Responses

  1. 1. The kitchen is probably for staff use, not a cafeteria so there would be no mashgiach.

    Question for the hatzolah guys; why were you using an unsupervised kitchen? Especially when most of the people using it are not shomrei torah u’mitzvot?

    But more importantly, what difference does the food make when they are all involved in pikuach nefesh? Are they serving meals in the ambulance?

    Also, what is the reaction of non-frum volunteers who keep kosher?

  2. number 2 what do u mean? you imply that becuse they are involved in pikuach nefesh they can eat pork? are you nuts!!!???? and evn if you meant that they serve it to patients, the only heter is if this is what is needed or there is no kosher food available.

  3. It could be that the frum people know not to use those kelim; the ones who would still be affected, however, by this lack of consideration to kosher-eating Jews are those who are not as knowledgeable yet still want to keep kosher – they won’t know any better, and will be eating, G-d forbid, bits of pork with their kosher food that they thought would remain kosher.

    I think the story is necessary to be told for the above reason, if not for other additional reasons, and I am grateful that YW editors posted it.

  4. Unfortunately, you can’t “force” someone to be Shomrei Torah Umitzvos and The Magen David Adom are not frum/ Boycotting them is not going to change what they eat and when.

    I’m assuming the kitchen is for staff members who chose to eat the food, not patients whom they are called for.

  5. with all the russian goyim here this is of no surprise. they have no sensitivity for anyting jewish and let’s consider ourselves lucky if they are not anti semitic.

  6. 5. Duhhhh
    What difference if the kitchen is kasher or not. They are there to save lives not what food is prepared in the kitchen. It is irrelevant what food is prepared.

  7. maybe they don’t know better. Why don’t ppl reach out to them, volunteer to run shiurim there, teach them the halachos and why they are important to keep, or have the kitchen kashered and have some frum ppl volunteer to cook kosher for them there are a lot of alternatives before boycotting and protesting. seriously. You might be right but ask yourself “what will be most EFFECTIVE in the long run” Maybe also have the guys over for a shabbos but the frum hatzolah members should know better than to cook in an unsupervised kitchen that secular members use…

  8. When u guys get up @ 3am, then you can comment to tell us your condescending opinion of what others should do in between calls!

  9. PIG aint a food for Jews, saving lives is what good Jews do… Keep on saving lives and bring food from home to nosh on.

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