Levaya of Rebbitzen Rivka Wolbe A”H, Wife of Famed Mashgiach Rav Shlomo Wolbe ZATZAL

YWN regrets to inform you of the passing of Rebbetzin Rivka Wolbe A”H.

Rebbitzen Wolbe was the wife of the famed Mashgiach, HaGaon HaRav Shlomo Wolbe Z”TL (Mechaber of Alei Shur).

The Rebbitzen, 95, had been hospitalized in Shaarei Tzeddek for the last two months, and was recently moved to the home of her daughter, Rebbitzen Schwartzman in Ramot, due to her worsened condition.

The Levaya left from the Bais Hamussar in Yerushalayim founded by her husband; Kevura was on Har Hamenuchos.

The Rebbitzen was a daughter of HaGaon HaRav Avrohom Grodzinsky HY”D – a close Talmid of the Alter of Slabodka and founding Mashgiach of the Chevron Yeshiva.

She was known for her Emunah P’shuta. Whenever she was asked how she felt, she would respond “Hoidu L’hashem”, if we wake up and stand on our feet we must praise HKB”H. Veteran Talmidim of the Mashgiach Z”TL, (many who are Roshei Yeshivos and Mashigichim in their own rights) have said the Rebbitzen was like a mother to them, with her tremendous care and sensitivity to their needs.

Yehi Zichro Boruch…

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. she would respond “Hoidu L’hashem”, if we wake up and stand on our feet we must praise HKB”H. despite having been in Kovno the nite that Rav Elchonon Wasserman HY’D was taken away, and despite the tragic passing of a daughter [wife of Rav Azriel Erlanger shlita] some 2&1/2 years ago.

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