Olmert Determined To Reach An Agreement

olmert f.jpgIn his comments to members of the foreign press earlier in the week, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert stated he hopes that an agreement will be reached between Israel and the Palestinian Authority by year’s end, referring to the Gregorian calendar. 

Olmert’s remarks basically signaled his willingness to continue giving to the PA, making concessions, yet receiving nothing in return. “In population centers and Jerusalem, the reality on the ground will not be the same as we know today,” he stated, assuring us that Jerusalem is indeed on the chopping block.

He hinted that talks with Syria are ongoing, or in the future, if they are launched, they will be held clandestinely, admitting that even if the two sides meet, there may not be any progress. In past talks, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad stated “I hope measures taken by the international community” will be effective stated Olmert, regarding ongoing efforts to reduce or neutralize the growing Iranian threat.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. Olmert is what zionists asked for. This is what happens to the people who put faith in an army- in a government as their “solution” to our galus. Hashem Yirachem!

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