Barak Warns Hamas May Come to Power

hamas2.jpgDefense Minister Ehud Barak warned US Mideast envoy General James Jones that we must be aware of the possibility that Hamas could rise to power in Yehuda and Shomron (“West Bank”) and the giving of additional military equipment would enable the terror organization to better strike out against Israel.

Nevertheless, despite the awareness of this ominous scenario, Barak and approved permitting 600 paramilitary troops to enter Jenin, and Israel will also permit the delivery of armored vehicles, assault rifles and night-vision equipment to the PA.

US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is scheduled to arrive Saturday night, prompting a string of Israeli concessions, concessions that in the past have backfired, resulting in additional terror attacks.

Barak will also tell Rice that Israel remains committed to a “peace process” and as such, will further reduce restrictions on Palestinian Authority residents.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. Can someone please tell me why the Palesinians need assault rifles? Who exactly is attacking them? Will we ever learn from our mistakes?? This is so DUMB!! Haven’t we seen what they need the guns for?

  2. “Barak Warns Hamas May Come to Power”, Did he say may come to power?
    Any idiot could tell you this info……………
    The best joke I recall was when ever there was a suicide bombing Arafat used to go on the air and say this is “terrible”, “we are against it”. And then we discovered he was the one who was paying the bill for all those who committed suicide.
    Another secret is that the PA is partners with Hamas…Wake Up !!!!

  3. Allow me to post two warnings:




    That is almost as scary.


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