Update on Merkaz Victims

IMG_178212.jpgAccording to the acting spokeswomen for Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital, Nadav Eliyahu Samuels, one of the victims of the Merkaz HaRav Yeshiva attack is listed in “good condition”. He is the only victim still hospitalized at Hadassah.

Shaare Zedek reports another victim, 14, whose name is not being published, remains in a respiratory intensive care unit. He is a resident of Sderot. He is the only victim at Shaare Zedek.

Thursday marked three weeks since the attack in which eight students were murdered by a lone terrorist, an Israeli Arab resident of Jabel Mukaber.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

6 Responses

  1. from an email that’s been circulating:

    These Merkaz HaRav Terrorist Victims Still Need Your Tehillim
    March 17, 2008 by David Baruch Hashem, most of the injured survivors
    of the Merkaz
    HaRav Kook attack have been released from the hospital. Two bochrim
    remain in the
    hospital and
    need our prayers:
    Nadav ben Hadassah
    Naftali ben Gila Rachel

  2. It is important to remember that very often people who are injured in a terrorist attack are in hospital for months afterwards and too often are left disabled.Even if their injuries are not physical they suffer mental torment which can last for a lifetime. We seem only to remember the dead and forget about the suffering of the injured. May Hashem send a Refuah Shalema to all the bocharim who were hurt during this murderous attack.

  3. Unfortunately, it isn’t only the “injured” boys who will suffer emotionally. I believe ALL the bocharim in the Yeshiva will suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder. This is a tragedy which I cannot come to terms with. I understand that the Ribono Shel Olam has His reasons for everything, but I will never forget the scenes of the attack and the levaya. And the pictures of those precious boys are forever etched in my memory.
    HYD – May they be Melitzim Yeshorim for all of Klal Yisroel and may HaShem grant their families the Koach to re-build their shattered lives.

  4. A brief Shiur on the significance of this tragic event — the murder of eight young men while they were learning Torah in a Yeshiva in Yerushalayim — was given by the distinguished Rosh Yeshiva HaRav Avraham Schorr SHLIT”A a few hours after it occurred, on Erev Rosh Chodesh Adar Sheni. I would like to share my notes from the Shiur:

    1. As we have learned, “MiSheNichnas Adar Marbim BeSimchah.” The timing of this tragedy — Erev Rosh Chodesh Adar II — indicates that the Ribono Shel Olam intended to disturb our Simchah with an urgent message. What was He telling us?

    2. The Gemora in Maseches Taanis (29a) states: “KeSheim MiSheNichnas Av MeMaatim BeSimchah, Kach MiSheNichnas Adar Marbim BeSimchah.” To the well-know question — What is the connection between the two? — the Sfas Emes ZT”L answered: The Ribono Shel Olam expects us to mourn the loss of the Batei HaMikdash. Our reward for doing so is Simchah in the month of Adar. According to Rav Shorr SHLIT”A, the fact that the Ribono Shel Olam disrupted our Simchah this Adar indicates that is He is unhappy with our mourning and concern for the Churban Batei HaMikdash. It is call for us to repent and mend our ways!

    3. Why is our era known as “Ikvisa DiMashicha” (the heels of Mashiach)? The Rosh Yeshiva quoted his father, HaRav Gedaliah Schorr ZT”L, as saying that the heels are the only part of our body where one can cut with a knife and the victim may not feel it. Unfortunately, we have become so callous that we do not sense the imminence of Mashiach!

    It is the fervent hope of the Rosh Yeshiva SHLIT”A that we will mend our ways through genuine Tshuvah and thus hasten the Geulah Shleimah, BB”A.

  5. I was at that Kinus on that THursday nite.

    I was moved to tears as Horav Avrohom Schorr SHlita spoke with tears on his cheeks. You could see visibly that he felt the tzaar, pain and anguish. He cried through portions of his shiur. May his shiur and the chizuk he shared with us make us a better am yisroel and that it should lead to the final geulah. BBA.

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