Hug Sderot Project

You may or may not celebrate Yom HaAtzma’ut (Independence Day), but you can take part in the Connections Israel organization’s “Hug Sderot” project.

Organizer Adi Friedman asks that you send your school’s/community’s 30-60 second video greeting and blessing to the over 10,000 families in Sderot.

Connections Israel is gathering the 30-60 seconds videos of 100’s of Communities and schools Worldwide. These videos will be combined in a video montage to be distributed to each of the over 10,000 families in Sderot and will be displayed on large screens in town, in local shops and malls around the city and on the local TV channel.

”We look forward to counting you in on project HUG SDEROT,” states Friedman, who has been working tirelessly towards assisting the residents of the area living under wartime conditions for the past years.

In addition, sponsorship of the distribution of the CD’s to the families is available. For additional information regarding the project, one is encouraged to contact [email protected] .

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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