Poll Finds Vast Majority Of American Jews Will Vote Democrat; 75 Percent Disapprove Of Trump

President Donald Trump’s pro-Israel positions have not garnered him support from American Jewish voters, according to a new survey.

The poll found that 74 percent of Jews planned to vote for Democratic candidates in November’s midterm elections. The figure corresponds with similar voting patterns in past elections.

Overall, 75 percent of American Jews disapproved of the president’s policies, particularly on domestic issues such as immigration, taxes and health care.

The survey was conducted by the Mellman Group, a U.S. polling agency, for the nonpartisan Jewish Electorate Institute. It surveyed 800 American Jewish voters from a variety of backgrounds and geographic areas and had a margin of error of 3.5 percentage points.

Trump’s foreign policy fared no better, with widespread criticism of the president’s handling of anti-Semitism, the Iranian nuclear deal and his moving of the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem. The embassy move, in contrast, has been warmly welcomed in Israel.

While a slim majority approved of Trump’s warm relations with Israel, only 6 percent said this will cause them to consider supporting him or a Republican candidate. Over 60 percent disapproved of how Trump has dealt with the Palestinians.

The Palestinians severed ties with the U.S. after Trump recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital last December. Since then, the U.S. has cut hundreds of millions of dollars of support for the Palestinians.

Although 92 percent of American Jews identified as “pro-Israel,” 59 percent said they find fault with at least some of the Israeli government’s policies. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has forged a close bond with Trump, deepening a rift with the mostly liberal Jewish American community.

The survey confirms Jewish voters’ entrenched loyalty to the Democratic party, “negative assessments” of Trump and show that they “prioritize domestic issues in deciding which candidate to support,” the poll’s authors said.


39 Responses

  1. Fake news!
    What a shame to put out such false info! Trump has done so much good for the jews its embarrassing to even print such obvious fake polling! And wont help us…..

  2. most American Jews are deformed or reformed types who espouse liberal views and non Jewish spouses. So they have no love for Israel, no love for Torah and no love for morality (as we know it). So they also hate Trump…..

    Next case….

  3. This is a good example of fake news. In the orthodox community you’d get very different results. The Jews they surveyed here are undoubtedly part of the liberal left wing community. They don’t tell you what the political affiliation of the responses. Would it surprise anyone that nearly all of the democratic Jews will vote democratic? YW has been catering to the Democrats for some time, so I’m not surprised they would run this piece to imply all Jews are disposed to vote with the Democrats. The Republicans are getting the results across the board.

  4. Not the first time Jews will make political mistakes. For the rich askan, it’s a back door deal. For some it’s not getting out of the hive mind. For others it’s about not realizing where the dem party is headed.

  5. I’d also like to know of those 800 American Jews polled, how many of them attend any synagogue services more than twice a year? How many of them have children/grandchildren who are intermarried with no affiliation to Judaism? How many of them have given a majority of their charitable donations to any Jewish charity (instead of the ‘arts’, ‘music academies’…)?

  6. Well if I was a Jew who forever wanted to be on every government program from the day I enter Yeshivah till the day I die. Not make money, or make money and not report it ……. I would also vote for the party that makes it easier to cheat…..

  7. Poll finds Jews are stupid enough to burn grain silos to force other Jews to fight against the enemy. Massive horrific death ensues. Oh sorry, different time period.

  8. survey must be seen as 75% American Jews : either liberal non frum and /or those on gov. programs[handouts]. All other Jews, probably just the opposite 75% for Trump’s accomplishments and grateful at that! It would be interesting to see a YNW poll of frum Jews whether they would vote, how and whether they receive government monies.

  9. did u see the report out this week that BORO PARK is the quietest neighborhood!! it was based on the fact that BP HAD THE LEAST 311 NOISE COMPLAINT CALLS = so for a goyishe kup that equals quiet; the answer is that frum jews dont call 311 for shtusim same here yiddin generally dont answer these poll calls

  10. A fake poll notwithstanding, we know that Jews vote overwhelmingly Democrat.
    The Democrat Party is their modern day Golden Calf & Baal Peor.
    Except here, the Party is doooing them instead of the reverse.
    Pretty pathetic.

  11. I just read a fine print from the polling details: The poll surveyed 3 American Jewish voters (Gadolhadorah, rt and crazykanoiy) and had a margin of error of 3.5 percentage points.

  12. Many goyim with Jewish ancestry self-identify as Jews (in part since they have Jewish surnames). I suspect if they found a way to limit the survey to Jews according to halacha, or to non-assimilated Jews (i.e. Jews who observe halacha), you would get a very different result.

  13. Moshe in Golus – I don’t agree with your assessment but its a good line none the less. And no, I wont rub it in and gloat over these results but let us all remember “ki rak am chacham vnavan hagoy hagodol hazeh”.

  14. Most of these Jews are more Irish, and black, and Asian, and Spanish, etc. genetically as well as culturally. And most are 100% non-Jews according to the laws of Judaism.

  15. Most Jews don’t support Trump because they have a true sense of morals and values. Of course, they would never support a man who rose politically by engaging in name-calling and mocking, made fun of the looks of his opponents, mocked disabled people, praised a man who body slammed a reporter, bragged of his abuse of women, lied and lies whenever it suits him, slanders others without basis, ferments hatred against others, defended neo-nazi protesters and engaged in all types of immoral behaviors. Jews are upstanding and moral people and they expect their elected leaders to act with decency.

  16. The TRUTH hurts. While he has been good for Israel, he is horrible for America. And because of his stance on Israel, yall tend to forget his immoral behavior, words, and actions. If a Democrat acted like this you would be enraged. And many many frum yidden agree! Watch how he destroys the Republican Party in 2 weeks.

  17. I encounter many frum Jews – in my work, in my neighborhood, from chasidim to MO, who may have voted for Trump in 2016 ( but not many) but will not vote for him again in 2020. (And, full disclosure, I work in an environment where I encounter many of those 25% who did vote for him) They are appreciative of his Israel policies and the tax cuts are appealing to those who can take advantage. That said, they wonder about his morality, his stability, his disdain for the weak and his insulting manner. I’ve had conversations with people who have voted republican for 30 years who just shake their heads at his incomprehension of trade, his jeopardizing hundreds of thousands of jobs for paltry (only tens of millions of dollars) protectionist rollbacks. With Investors of tens of millions of dollars who wonder why he is fixated on coal and unautomated manufacturing in a global economy that has cheaper, cleaner, more profitable alternatives. They wonder how he can pass meaningful laws through legislation instead of executive fiat as he has been doing, if he can’t hold on to congress. Most importantly, I have sat across the shabbos table and heard frum women who have never voted democrat say they will never vote for Trump now. They shake their heads that someone so steeped in immorality can engender such support from people, Jewish and otherwise, whose lives revolve around religious practice. These are all frum Jews I am talking about. men and women. They daven 3 times a day, they support mosdos here and in Israel, some of their kids are in chareidi schools, some in YU, some elsewhere, but all are frum. They aren’t fooled by the mainstream media and its political biases. And Trump, all by himself, has lost their votes.

  18. Funny that when YWN posted that 5 out of 10 of tge richest people in the US are Jewish none of the writers of the above comments flew into a nonsensical rage about secular Jews not being Jewish. It seems that many of the writers of the comments above believe that belief in Trump is a fundamental tenet of Jewish belief. Apparently they have changed the 12th ikkir into ani mamin that the orange haired buffoon is the messiah.

  19. The Jews in America are too integrated with the goyim. The liberals would vot for hitler YEMACH SHEMO if he was running
    and they do not see this a being wrong.

  20. I know that many on this board find the results surprising, but when you consider that Orthodox Jews still only make up about 10% of the entire Jewish population in America, maybe it isn’t so surprising. About 50% of Orthodox Jews support Trump, but 80% of the non-Orthodox population are anti-Trump. Do the math folks. That comes out to about 75% of all Jews who are against Trump

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