LISTEN: Degel Hatorah’s Election Jingle Released Ahead Of Municipal Elections – Starring Shlomie Cohen

Degel Hatorah’s jingle for the upcoming municipal elections nationwide has been released. With just about two weeks to elections, which will take place on Tuesday, 28 Marcheshvan (October 30, 2018). For a first time, the Municipal Election Day has been declared a national holiday, as lawmakers are hopeful this will significantly boost voter turnout. The jingle which will accompany the litvish chareidi party’s campaigns in cities and municipalities nationwide is launched.

Thousands are busy working these days for the good of Degel candidates in various elections. The party did not leave the jingle to just any singer, but brought in R’ Shloime Cohen, a known chassidic singer for the job. The niggun is a Bobov niggun that is known to many.

Following are the words of the jingle:

“דגל התורה – ועשית ככל אשר יורוך”.

“מדור לדור, לדור לדור מעבירים את המסורת – דגל התורה לעולם ועד

מדור לדור, לדור לדור נקדש שם שמים – דגל התורה לעולם ועוד

ועשית ככל אשר יורוך, ועשית ככל אשר יורוך

דגל התורה מרימים את הבשורה, לאורם ניסע ונלך – נעשה ונשמע ככל אשר יורוך – דגל התורה לעולם ועד.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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