Rice’s Visit & More Israeli Concessions

ehud barak4.jpg(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel) As opposition to the deployment of 600 PA paramilitary troops in Jenin is heard (reported HERE on YWN), Defense Minister Ehud Barak has sweetened the package to the Palestinian Authority, giving the green light for the delivery of armored vehicles, additional AK-47 Kalashnikov assault rifles, night-vision equipment and more.

Interestingly, the mainstream media refers to the PA force entering Jenin as “policemen” when in actuality, they more resemble army troops, as is evident by the shopping list of equipment approved by the defense minister.

Barak in statements to the press earlier in the week, during a visit to the IDF’s Bakum Base, stated he is aware that the approval of the troop deployment does indeed negate ongoing security efforts, but he calls it a calculated risk, one that is necessary in the hope of advancing the negotiating track with Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen).

Opposition leader Binyamin Netanyahu and others question what exactly Israel is receiving in return for the ongoing ‘good-will’ gestures.

Opponents to Barak’s decision already warn the weaponry will be used against IDF troops sooner than he thinks, insisting he will be held responsible for the consequences of his decision.

Once again, it is obvious the move come ahead of the imminent arrival of US Secretary of State Dr. Condoleezza Rice, who will increase pressure on Israel to make additional concessions to the PA in the hope of delivering an agreement to the White House.

According to a Galei Tzahal (Army Radio) report, quoting Barak, security control for Jenin will be handed over to the PA troops, contrary to earlier statements that Israel will retain control of the area. Israel will however “reserve the right” to reenter the PA autonomous area if required, a move that will place soldiers in an increasingly difficult situation – compelled to face PA forces with their newly delivered armored vehicles and automatic weapons.

25 unarmed armored vehicles, a gift from Russia, will be delivered. The shipment was held up by Israel due to security considerations, but Barak has now decided to remove restrictions.

In addition, Barak will permit thousands of additional PA residents to enter pre-1967 Green Line Israel to work, increasing the likelihood of a suicide bomber making his way into Israel Proper to perpetrate an attack. This ahead of Pesach (Passover) with the GSS (General Security Service/ Shin Bet) warning of ongoing efforts by Hizbullah and other terror groups to perpetrate a major attack.

America is also calling on Israel to lift travel restrictions on PA residents and remove military checkpoints throughout Yehuda and Shomron.

4 Responses

  1. I sometimes wonder if the rest of the world wants to keep Jewish populations extremely low, Chas V’shalom.

  2. They’re referred to as policemen for two reasons.

    1. Even liberal Israelis would likely object to a PA army – they’re not “peace-loving”.

    2. The terms of the Oslo Accords only permitted a “lightly-armed” police force, not an army. Therefore, Olmert’s popularity rating would likely be negative if the sheeple knew he was giving the PA an army.

  3. America is losing the war in Irak, and all this Secretary of State is busy with, is to secure a few more guns for these Islamofascists.
    Guess why?
    She self admittedly looks at the Judeo Arab conflict as a repeat of the racial conflict in the 1900’s.
    Goyishe Kop !

  4. #3, Zionism is, unfortunately and, for some reason, unrecognizedly, a very dangerous mix of all of the above, with a hatred for Torah thrown in for good measure.

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