ANOTHER MEASLES INCIDENT Involving Frum Person In NY & NJ; Visited Monsey Locations

Rockland County officials fear residents in New York and New Jersey may have been exposed to the measles this month.

According to a release from County Executive Ed Day and County Health Commissioner Dr. Patricia Schnabel Ruppert, a traveler from Israel was found to be carrying the disease and visited several locations in Rockland, Westchester, and Bergen counties.

Residents are being warning they may have been infected by the unidentified traveler at some point between Oct. 4 and Oct. 11.

Health officials say anyone at these locations may have been exposed to the measles:

    • Congregation Bais Elazer in Monsey, N.Y. on Oct. 4
    • Mia’s Reflexology in New City, N.Y. on Oct. 4
    • Lifetime Gym in Montvale, N.J. on Oct. 5
    • Wesley Kosher in Monsey N.Y. on Oct. 5
    • Congregation Borov in Monsey, N.Y. on Oct. 5 and Oct. 6
    • Costco in Nanuet, N.Y. on Oct. 7
    • Care 365 in Monsey, N.Y. on Oct. 8
    • Westchester Medical Center’s Emergency Room in Valhalla, N.Y. on Oct. 11

Rockland County health officials say the infected person is now being treated and is isolated.

Symptoms of the measles include fever, runny nose, red eyes that are sensitive to light, coughing and a red rash. The illness usually appears 10-12 days after exposure, but can sometimes take up to three weeks to develop.

It is the second time in a month that a visitor to Rockland has exposed others to the measles. An international traveler went to New Square from Newark International Airport and spent several days before symptoms appeared; local people were exposed to the measles from Sept. 28 to Oct. 1.

Last week, YWN reported about the Menahel of Breslov Mosdos in Tzefas having been infected with the measles. He was listed in critical condition at the time of the news story.

There have been dozens of stories published by YWN in the past few months of measles alerts issued by authorities involving Frum people who have not been vaccinated.

(Yossi Taub – YWN)

17 Responses

  1. It should be pointed out that the coordinated media push to paint measles as a disease that is being spread by religious Jews from Israel is not simply an Anti Semitic libel. It is part of a wider legislative strategy to undermine and repeal the vaccine religious exemption laws across the country. Since we have a greater than 95% vaccination rate in the US and even in the frum community which is enough to provide “herd immunity”, it begs the question why the hysteria over a handful of measles cases? The reason is because the public is starting to wake up to the fact that vaccines are unsafe and are likely contributing to the exponential rise in a whole variety of neuro-developmetal disorders, autoimmune disorders,cancers, and Alzheimer’s disease. There has never been a comprehensive, large scale, long term, study, comparing all health outcomes between a completely un-vaccinated population and a vaccinated population. The few small scale studies that have been done indicate that the harm being caused by vaccines outweigh the benefits.

  2. Another case! Unbelievable!
    As one who fully maintains current vaccinations/immunizations for myself, wife, and my children; especially with the growing cases of illnesses I have many questions. Instead of the “old” of going back and forth of pro vs. anti vaccination and good vs. evil, I am sincerely curious regarding the following question(s)—- I am asking with all due respect, privacy, and humbleness.
    1. As non-vaccinated and not believing in modern medicine approaches, what happens if God Forbid you or your young child (as young as an infant) gets measles, the flu, pneumonia, rabies, etc? Is it just tefillah and tehillim? Do you secretly provide modern medical approaches (Immunizations/vaccinations) in private? Do you just rely on over-the-counter tylenal? Home remedies?
    2. Have you ever secretly vaccinated yourself or your children without telling your community, friends, etc? (privacy is respected), but publicly are against it?
    3. If your son was refused entry to a fantastic yeshiva or summer program because of unvaccination, would this shift your mind to vaccinate your son for the sake of learning with this type of opportunity (avoiding bittel Torah)?
    4. If God Forbid you have lost a loved one to a non-vaccinated illness, would you change your mind and become in favor of vaccination? Do you think some personal responsibility and/or “putting a stumbling block in front a blind” comes into play?

  3. the exponential nature of disease progression might necessitate a separate publication to keep track of what might occur once we pass the tipping point. I suggest those who oppose vaccination invite those afflicted to their home for a prolonged visit.

  4. It shouldn’t be a danger to those vaccinated otherwise there wouldn’t be a point in having the vaccination. What a Chilul Hashem it is for people not to get vaccinated and then to make the news like this. Please if anyone is reading this isn’t vaccinated or has relatives that are not, get vaccinated ASAP and if you have any doubts check with your Rav, I can’t imagine any reliable Rav would be telling people not to be vaccinated unless it would be life threatening for them to be vaccinated. For example see this statement

  5. Having done further research I need to point out (which I didn’t know when I wrote the comment I made earlier) that there ARE reliable Rav’s that reportedly have been telling people that it’s OK not to be vaccinated so unless those reports are incorrect I am wrong about reliable Ravs telling people not to get vaccinated.

  6. a) Where exactly in this article does it say that the infected person with the measles was not vaccinated?
    b) in answer to BM, have you addressed your question to the CDC? Clearly not, because I have, when my 20 year old son who was completely vaccinated and boostered in order to get into all of his yeshivas and summer programs, came home with the mumps. And contrary to the “rumor” that was spreading in the NY area at that time that it was really a “virus that mimicked the mumps, but not REALLY the mumps”, my son was in yeshiva in Canada at that time so politics did not play a role, and was therefore tested with a blood test. It was the mumps. TGI – there was plenty of bittul Torah at that time from wonderful vaccinated bochurim , and unfortunately, a few bochurim who were maimed for life. I vaccinated my child SO THAT he would not get the virus at the age of 20. After my conversation with the CDC, I realized that I was duped.

    I am addressing you NOT from a bandwagon. It is a dangerous course that people are taking by not hearing the other side. The incident that I went through, and hundreds went through in those three years from the mumps and measles outbreaks in our community IS NOT ERASED just because it’s over. Every family, sibling, cousin, friends, etc. was affected and traumatized, and UNDERSTOOD the lack of control on the part of the CDC. You can harass them as much as you want, but their life experience taught them differently. And they are all young parents now, making decisions for their children.

    May we hear only refuahs and yeshuas beH

  7. flatbushantivaxxer Unlike CO2 emissions and climate change, there is clear evidence that vaccinations prevent the spread of disease and this is not a political issue. That’s why we don’t have smallpox anymore.

  8. Just make a data base of all those who were vaccinated. If u aren’t on that list then said country has the right to refuse you .

  9. It’s known that people can catch the illness for which they are being vaccinated against as a result of being vaccinated. That doesn’t change the fact that vaccinations reduce the risk of catching the illness they are designed to prevent.

  10. To the antivaxxer:

    Unfortunately, due to foolish and irresponsible people such as yourself, we do NOT have 95% vaccination rates in the frum community. That is why we don’t have herd immunity and are seeing cases now. And that is why babies who are too young to be immunized have to come in for painful Immunoglobulin injections or face catching measles.
    How selfish of you to ask why the hysteria over a few cases of measles? Do you and your idiotic friends realize how horrible it is to expose people to dangerous diseases? People get very sick from measles and other vaccine preventable illnesses such as the flu, pneumonia, and meningitis.
    I have been practicing medicine for close to 2 decades and have administered 1000’s of vaccines. I have never seen anyone become sick, die, or develop autism after a vaccine. Never. Not once. Neither have any of my colleagues. I have seen people become sick and die of the flu, meningitis, pneumonia, pertussis, and mumps.
    And we do have comparisons between nonvaccinated and vaccinated populations. Its called 1950’s US and today. How many people do you see with polio? Or small pox? You don’t. Pick up any history book or medical journal from that era and look at how many people used to die or become permanently disabled from polio. Why don’t you speak to families of people who had to spend their life in an iron lung due to polio.
    I highly encourage any reader out there who is not vaccinated to please go vaccinate yourselves and your kids. There is no government conspiracy or any other stupid reason not too.

  11. To Monsey Doc: Your wasting your time responding to these Anti-vaxxers! You got a better chance making a Ger. Ever hear of something called Avodah Zora?!?

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