Yarkon district police on Monday morning, 6 Marcheshvan, announced the arrest of a suspect who broke into Merkaz Kabbalah and stole a Sefer Torah.
Police report receiving the report of the break-in on Sunday, at the Merkaz Kabbalah on Ben-Ami Street in Tel Aviv, citing a Sefer Torah had been stolen. Crime scene technicians were dispatched, hoping to find clues at the scene of the crime.
A short few hours later, on Sunday afternoon, police arrested a 43-year-old city resident on suspicion of committing the break-in and theft. He was arraigned in the Tel Aviv Magistrate Court on Monday, where police asked to extend his remand.
(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
3 Responses
Such a pity
He must be so desperate
Just wondering if it ever.happend 200 years ago? or if.it is a reflection on society of our times only ?
though the article itself didnt say that it was recovered only that he was arrested
the merkaz for kabbalah is NOT an orthodox group….