President Peres Comes Out Strongly in Support of Chareidim

peres.jpgPresident Shimon Peres on Monday came out adamantly against efforts towards de-legitimizing the chareidi segment of Israel.

Peres stated the chareidi way of life is legitimate and as such, the community must enjoy the same respect given to other segments of the population, citing this includes accommodating religious practices, customs and the chareidi way of life.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

13 Responses


    I wonder what aspect of Chareidi brand Judaism did he find to be legitimate. Was it the masses of Yidden sitting & learning? Was it the Gevaldige Chesed that comes out of the Chareidi community unmatched by any other community in the world? Or is it just ok with him to wear fur/beaver/felt hats during a Chamsin?

    Is conservative/reform/reconstructionist Judaism also legitimate? If yes, then Chareidi Judaism is just another branch of many “legitimate” branches.

    As a politician he says what he has to. Do not be impressed. If tomorrow it serves him to say we are leeches & parasites, that will be the order of the day.

  2. #1-so much for hakaras hatov. He does not HAVE to say anything – he is at the end of his career – he is President so he does not run for election and has served the country for 60 years. Being gracious and respectful helps to be mekarev others -scorn isolates us.

  3. ani oymer – Although I agree that there is a strong possibility that Peres is looking for political gains, nonetheless, we must consider the fact that this man was given a Bracha from the Chofetz Chaim for Arechus Yamim. If so, their may be deep sparks stirring up within him remembering the days of his cheder youth. He may feel that it is too late for him, but nonetheless is willing to fight for the survival of a world that he once through off and now regrets doing so. If the Chofetz Chaim gave him a bracha for Arechus Yamim it may be that he saw what the future held in store for Peres and was trying to help him make it back to yiddishkeit and eventually enter Olam Haba as apposed to gehinom.

    I think we should leave it up to our chachamim to determine what his true intentions are. In the meantime I must agree with charvona that we should count our brachas that at least one government official is not publicly verballing Sinas Chinom.

  4. It is obvious that the comments of #4 do not go along with his Moniker. His heaping of scorn on secular Yidden is not likely to bring us closer to the true Geula.

  5. good or bad, saying negative things about a Yid is Loshon Hara, esp. since there doesn’t seem to be a toeles here to this venting. What does it matter WHY he said what he did? Let’s daven that he will act on this statement and do things to help our brothers in E”Y.

  6. Alter Yid I’m not heaping scorn on secular Yidden
    Just on Zionist Amalaykis that are responsible for murdering many Jews and weakening or destroying the Yidishkeit of tens of thousands of Jews R”L. (I wonder if your familiar with the government funded organization called Hillel)

  7. for all of you who dont live here in eretz yisroel please refrain from making unintelligent comments on matter you have no negias
    #’s 1 and 4 are most definitely right and i absolutely agree with them %100 way to go
    lets all daven that hashem save us from the hands of the tzionim and bring the moshiach speedily in our days

  8. his bracha from the chofetz chaim was that he would be “saved from death” — not the same as “arichat yamim”, and the events on kikar malchei yisrael proved (or showed) his having been saved from death. ve’hamevin yavin.

    he was only pro-charedim only for political reasons — which political reasons still exist to this day. (ask rav ovadiah how much $ he got for “certain” yeshivot from the ma’arach / avodah / etc?)

  9. why does anybody really care what he says, if he says a compliment, good, hey it’s better than saying lashon hara (like everyone here) and if he calls us leeches so what does it really matter what he says in the end, that people have to comment about it. furthermore i dont know about calling and jew gilgulei zera amalek is right even someone like tommy (one can’t say Yimach Shimo on a jew)

  10. MiMedinat HaYam – I stated it the way I heard (or read) the story. If you know differently can you please send me your source so I know to correct my version?

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