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New Election Poll Shows Likud Continues To Gain Momentum

A new election poll, released on Sunday evening by Chadashot News, shows the Likud party headed by Binyamin Netanyahu continues its upward momentum. The Yesh Atid party headed by Yair Lapid on the other hand has what to worry about, as does the Machane Tzioni party headed by Avi Gabbai.

According to the poll, if elections were held today Likud would remain the largest party, with 32 seats, two more than it has today. Yesh Atid would receive 18 seats, which is still seven more than today, but down from previous polls.

The Machane Tzioni party headed by Avi Gabbai would receive 12 seats, cutting the party in half from today’s 24. The Arab List received 12, down one from today. The dati leumi Bayit Yehudi party would gain two seats from today’s 8, emerging with 10 seats.

A new party headed by former Yisrael Beitenu MK Orli Levi-Abekasis would have six seats, Yahadut Hatorah 6 (same as today), Yisrael Beitenu 5 (down one), Meretz 6 (up one), Kulanu 7 (down three), and Shas with a mere 5 (down two).

The poll also addresses another scenario, one that includes former IDF Chief of Staff Benny Gantz, who is planning to enter the political arena. In such a situation, the results as follows:
Likud: 29
Yesh Atid 13
Gantz 12
Arab List 12
Machane Tzioni 10
Bayit Yehudi 10
Yahadut Hatorah 7
Kulanu 6
Meretz 6
Yisrael Beitenu 5
Abekasis-Levi 5

Who is most suited to serve as prime minister?
38% Binyamin Netanyahu
12% Benny Gantz
9% Yair Lapid
5% Avigdor Lieberman
4% Avi Gabbai
1% Naftali Bennet

Based on this poll, there is no reason for Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu not to head to early elections, as many believe he is going to do, rather than negotiate with the chareidi parties towards finding an acceptable formula for a new draft law.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. The Machane Tzioni party headed by Avi Gabbai is going the way of Meretz: either join the Arabs or marry them…

    Not a Jewish interest party anymore….

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