WATCH: Israel’s KAN 11 News Interviews US Ambassador To Israel David Friedman About “Two State Solution”


US Ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, last week was interviewed by Israel’s KAN 11 News. Mr. Friedman stated the peace plan is comprehensive, and at present, the United States is not going to reveal details, but this will occur in the near future.

During the interview, the ambassador stated, “When Palestinian autonomy and Israeli intersect, we will err on the side of Israel’s security,” explaining the timing of the process is very important and the process could indeed carry into 2019.

Mr. Friedman mentioned a recent quote made by Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, which he explains highlight the vague statement “two-state solution”, which is interpreted differently by so many people, including the Israelis and the Palestinians. He therefore states that the US is open to whatever works for the sides and is not committed to any particular plan, since to date, the statements made have yet to be broken down and the details laid on the table.

Friedman also said that if the Palestinians come to the negotiating table or not, the administration will not continue funding corrupt organizations or entities which fund terrorism and textbooks that incite violence.

Mr. Friedman also makes reference to Iran and Tehran’s nuclear aspirations, stating “We are not trying to overthrow the regime, but perhaps more correctly we are trying to change the behavior of the administration”. He added “We will not tolerate a nuclear Iran”, but would not detail what the US will do to prevent this.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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