Haifa Beis Din Instructs Education Ministry To Suspend A Teacher As She Refuses To Accept A Get

“Since the defendant is employed by the Ministry of Education as a teacher, a copy of this decision must be transmitted to the Ministry of Education and they must report to the court within 14 days on the implementation of the sanction against the defendant.” This was stated in the ruling of the Haifa Beis Din on 3 Sivan 5768.

The woman, who has refused to receive a “Get” from her husband for more than eight years, claimed in response that her professional performance does not allow her to be suspended from her job. But the Education Ministry, in its statement to the court, clarified that the argument was irrelevant and suspended the woman from her job as a teacher in the Ministry of Education as per the beis din’s ruling, which is legally binding. The woman was notified that she is placed on unpaid leave pending future decisions from the beis din.

YWN-Israel recently published an article quoting the Chief Rabbinate of Israel, which says there are more women refusing to accept a Get in Israel than there are men refusing to give one.

In the continuation of the ruling, which was given last Elul by dayanim Rabbi Yitzhak Ushinsky, Rabbi David Grossman and Rabbi Avraham Dov Zarbiv, it was written that “the beis din sees the Ministry of Education’s announcement of the suspension of the woman from her teaching position until another decision of the beis din, an important step towards the woman’s consent to receive a Get.”

The ruling further states that if, until after the Tishrei Yomim Tovim, the woman does not agree to receive a Get, the beis din will consider the intensification of measures against imposing sanctions and publicizing her name.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. Kudos to Haifa Beth-Din for finally going after a blatant woman. 2 hopes:- 1) If she doesn’t accept Get, that she goes to the slammer. 2) That Beth-Din also issue such sanctions against a woman who refuses to let Father have his parenting [visitation] time with his child[ren].

  2. Joe – a man can’t get a heter meah rabbonim unless he hasn’t had children. If he’s fulfilled the mitzvah of p’ru ur’vu he can’t get it. Same as he has to write a get before he can qualify.

    Quit getting your halacha from the internet. 🙂

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