Ominous Prediction Regarding Enemy Rockets in Next War

lebanon war.jpg(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel) An official report is among the many scenarios being studied by defense and intelligence community officials as Israel seeks to keep its finger on the pulse of events vis-à-vis ongoing threats from Iran, Hizbullah, Syria and other radical Islamic nations.

One such scenario distributed among government ministries and certain local municipality heads regarding the next war, speaks of hundreds of dead and thousands of injured Israelis as enemy rockets will penetrate deep into Israel, striking major population centers.

This bleak scenario does not address the use of non-conventional weaponry, which officials state would have devastating results, increasing the number of dead and injured to over 16,000.

This in addition to an estimated 200,000 Israelis being required to relocate as a result of such devastating attacks and an estimated 100,000 residents who will seek to flee the country.

The report is part of ongoing efforts to prepare the IDF Homefront Command and civilian agencies around the country for such an eventuality.

While it is emphasized that the report is in no way a prediction for future events, it is however a realistic possible scenario and it must be addressed to permit the IDF and civilian agencies around Israel to prepare for every eventuality. The report speaks of a one-month long war with involvement by Iran, Syria, Lebanon and Hizbullah. Rockets will be fired at border areas, as well as deep into Central Israel, in addition to attacks emanating from PA areas in Yehuda and Shomron, which can easily target areas including Yerushalayim and the Gush Dan area.

The report also stated the nation’s major international commercial airport, Ben-Gurion International Airport, would be paralyzed as a result of the rocket attacks.

6 Responses

  1. What ??? !!!
    Hashem yerachem/
    can you just try to think what would the u.s.a. do if they would have such a threat ??!!
    ( b.t.w. im in isreal now & im afraid for my life, i hope to be on the plane in the next 24 hours )
    Rak hashem yazor

  2. “Im Hashem Lo Yishmor Ir, Shav Shakad Shomer” —
    If Hashem will not guard [a] city, for naught has the guard stayed there

    When everyone realizes this and does Teshuva, as comment #3 said– we won’t need any forces to protect us— we had no army in Egypt and we won’t need one for this final Geula either

  3. it is a possible SCENARIO!
    not a PREDICTION!!!

    the actual article itself states:

    “While it is emphasized that the report is in no way a prediction for future events…”

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