Northern Tel Avivians Working To Keep Lubavitcher Chassidim Out

In northern Tel Aviv, there is a group working tenaciously to prevent renting apartments to Chabadnikim, fearing this would be a first step to the “chareidiazation” of the area.

The latest panic was sparked by ads ahead of Rosh Hashanah calling on the young to come and hear the shofar, offering sweets for those who respond to the invitation.

According to a report aired by Chadashot News, filed by Yair Sherki, there is a WhatsApp group called “Chabad Activity in Tzahala” as part of the fight by residents against the integration of Chabadnikim into their community. The residents propose organizing on two main issues, with the first being to inform community activists immediately regarding efforts by Chabad-affiliated activists to move into the community. Owners are instructed not to rent or sell to Chabad activists.

The community is not apologizing for its actions, and when Sherki asked one community resident how this would be accepted if they were trying to block Arabs from moving in, the response was “Arabs do not come to change the character of the neighborhood. You want them to come and then prohibit travel in the community on Shabbos or that they will tear the blouse of your daughter?”

In the past, when rabbonim came out against selling apartments to Arabs, Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit instructed members of his staff to probe the criminal liability of such a policy, but now, all remain silent.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. This is 100% against the law in any democratic country. This has happened in many communities in the US. When it went to court the orthodox always won. Sue them. If the orthodox politicians are afraid to act, Chabad should hire a lawyer and deal with this.

  2. I dobut they discriminate. They would reject any other frummies as well. That area is well known as a hotbed of bigotry against Chareidim.

  3. Understandably so, they have a certain type of community and they want to keep it that way, in my community of orthodox jews If different elements would move in, it would bother me too so I understand them perfectly and they have all the right to do so

  4. Yes, the point is not Chabad, it is orthodox Jews. That is pure discrimination. All Jews should react strongly to this type of behavior. Not to wait for the politicians. Get your selves a good lawyer and go after them. In fact their is an orthodox organization that handles discrimination issues.

  5. “Understandably so, they have a certain type of community and they want to keep it that way, in my community of orthodox jews If different elements would move in, it would bother me too so I understand them perfectly and they have all the right to do so”

    Don’t be so selfish

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