One Person R”L Niftar, 2,700 People Treated in Uman Over Rosh Hashanah

Over the holiday of Rosh Hashanah, United Hatzalah volunteers treated some 2,700 injured people in and around the city of Uman, Ukraine. One of the people treated, whom first responders attempted to revive via lengthy resuscitative efforts, passed away. The Niftar is R’ Avrohom Getz Z”L from Boro Park (23).

He was suffering from an advanced illness.

His Levaya left the Kever of Rav Nachman after Rosh Hashanah ended. His body will be brought back to the United States for a Kevura.

He leaves behind a wife and two children.

United Hatzalah, who provided medical response to anyone in need in and around the city over the holiday, including taking over the operation of the local medical clinic, issued a statement saying that they treated over 2,700 people, of whom, many were evacuated to hospitals in Kiev over the New Year.

Yisrael Stark, the head of the United Hatzalah branch in Uman, said that: “United  Hatzalah will continue to provide medical support in Uman through Yom Kippur. Hundreds of our volunteers helped strengthen the life-saving unit of United Hatzalah’s full-time Uman branch in order to help care for the tens of thousands of Jews who come to Uman for the holiday, in honor of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov,” he said.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

47 Responses

  1. What a way to twist a beautiful yomtov in Uman!
    Did you forget to mention it was his last will to be by his Rebbeh for yomtov??
    2700 treated for injuries?!? Where is Hatzalas statement on that?! Dont make it look like a bunch of mishugoiyim and broken/sick people. If you are a true journalist how about get on a plane and come to Uman for Rosh Hashana.
    Unfortunately, the Tzadik didnt choose your poor soul for tikkun. Maybe fix yourself up a bit and youll be zoiche. For now you are fakenews. Hatzalah has a station here where you can get a bandaid and advil so 2700 is nothing out of the 100k+ people that were there over the week.
    Also, “many people” implies a significant portion of the 2700 treated were taken to the hospital while it was probably not more than 15 or 20 that were taken.
    Bottom line:
    Many wives are excited to spend the next 360 days with their husbands who reached great spiritual heights and received great cleansing and healing in Uman Rosh Hashana. Howaboutdat? Gmar Chasima Tova to everyone and see you next year in Uman.

  2. when 30,000 people show up to an event and 9% of them require varying degrees of medical assistance there is something very wrong with the operations of the event. Think of a crowded sporting event with 50,000 people in attendance or more, you never hear of 2700 people requiring medical assistance.

  3. @rkefrat this mumber of 2700 is false. Noone from Hatzalah said that. Its just people trying to make Uman look bad because there are happy people in Uman and they want to drag people into their depression and darken the world with their darkness. Nebach. Uman is wonderful! Full of happiness and serious avodas Hashem!
    Secondly, if you gave someone advil or a bandaid would you consider that medical assistance? The Hatzalah center in Uman helps with everything including heartburn and headache. There were maybe 5 or 10 people sent to the hospital. And less than 100 out of 100,000 people were treated for something more serious.

  4. emes liamitoi, you are only stating YOUR personal opinions on the matter, with few factual statements.
    1. “What a way to twist a beautiful yomtov in Uman!” -Who said anything about twisting a yomtov experience? YWN has a job to report the news, and I see they reported as such. It’s up to the reader to view the cup as “half empty or half full”.
    2. “Did you forget to mention it was his last will to be by his Rebbeh for yomtov??” Can you please provide a source? Were you by his bedside? Perhaps he spent his evenings sharing his thoughts with you, and not his wife/family?
    3. “2700 treated for injuries?!? Where is Hatzalas statement on that?!” Although I’m unsure if Hatzolah had a presence there at all or not?; we are not talking about an Hatzolah unit found in “regular and established” frum communities like Far Rockaway, Brooklyn, Miami, Chicago. Concluding, there may or may not be a Hatzolah in Uman, and it may or may not be a formalized unit that will prepare statements for the press.
    4. “Hatzalah has a station here where you can get a bandaid and advil”- So if one needs more than a bandaid for a papercut of advil for a headache they will go to the hospital? How did you know it was only 15 to 20 people going to the hospital?
    5. “Many wives are excited to spend the next 360 days with their husbands who reached great spiritual heights and received great cleansing and healing in Uman Rosh Hashana”— Maybe in your circles or from your advice from your family Rabbonim, but I also personally know broken families as a result of Uman. I know situations R’L where the “spiritual weekends” don’t end at RH time but occur throughout the year. R’L in one situation that “spiritual weekend” was gambling on shabbos in Atlantic City. One should never generalize in any situation, but if leaving a wife and children behind is satisfying chinuch, ‘kovidic’, and cleansing then I wish you best of luck to your, your wife, children, parents, and grandparents spending yomtov without you with your “holier than thou” attitude. I’m also impressed that Uman is of greater spiritual heights than hearing your shul Rav speak and/or hearing your children’s RH divrei Torah from cheder. You are a better man than many of us!

  5. Boruch Dayan Ha’emes.
    May R’ Avrohom Getz Z”L neshama be a melitz yosher for Klall Yisroel and may his Wife and children be granted a lot of strength and courage in this time.

  6. emes liamitoi says:
    9/11, 2018 9:36 pm

    What a way to twist a beautiful yomtov in Uman!
    Did you forget to mention it was his last will to be by his Rebbeh for yomtov??

    {{First of all the article did mention he was ill.
    2nd , why was it wrong mentioning he died.
    Its a fact unfortunately that a person died}}

    2700 treated for injuries?!? Where is Hatzalas statement on that?! Dont make it look like a bunch of mishugoiyim and broken/sick people. If you are a true journalist how about get on a plane and come to Uman for Rosh Hashana.
    Unfortunately, the Tzadik didnt choose your poor soul for tikkun. Maybe fix yourself up a bit and youll be zoiche. For now you are fakenews. Hatzalah has a station here where you can get a bandaid and advil so 2700 is nothing out of the 100k+ people that were there over the week.
    Also, “many people” implies a significant portion of the 2700 treated were taken to the hospital while it was probably not more than 15 or 20 that were taken.

    {{So you agree that 2700 were treated and yes , it was confirmed with medical volunteers. And first you say it wasnt 2700 and in the next sentence you say 2700 out of 100,000 isnt alot. Which is it?}}

    Bottom line:
    Many wives are excited to spend the next 360 days with their husbands who reached great spiritual heights and received great cleansing and healing in Uman Rosh Hashana. Howaboutdat?

    {{ And how would you know about everyones wife and how they feel. You sound like a pervert.
    And what do u know about great cleansing and healing in uman on rosh hashna.
    Honestly , you sound delusional. Go back home, youll feel alot more spiritual with your wife.}}

    Gmar Chasima Tova to everyone and see you next year in Uman.

  7. “2,700 People Treated” Such fake news… #FAKENEWS

    Send your reporters down to Uman before copying a United Hatzala fundraising scam!

  8. rkefrat
    50,000 people at event for a few hours and if any medical problem they just go home so how should you hear about ir?
    as opposed to uman that they were there for nice couple of days
    2) medical assistance?’ treated’ includes a bandaid for a scratch, a little dizzy etc minor normal things that
    you can expect at such crowd
    theres something very wrong with you and your envey of ehrlicher yidden who go for a spititual uplift
    for yom tov.

  9. Just to fathom spending yomtov with…..

    HaGaon HaTzadik Reb Yakov Meir Shechter from Yerushalayim. Reb Lazer Kenig from Tzfas. Harav Avraham Tzvi Kluger from Beit Shemesh. Reb Moshe Kramer from Meah Shearim. Reb Meilech Zilberger from Manchester eidim of the Gaivid Yerushalayim. Reb Yaakov Moshe Salminovitz. HaRav Moseson, the famous Poisek from Ger.
    Reb Nissin Doovid Keevak. HaRav Brenner
    HaRav Marmershtein. Harav Eliyahu Goodlefski. Rabbi Meyer from Lakewood. Reb Shalom Arush author of the best selling Jewish series in the world, Garden of Emunah.
    HaRav Mota Frank. Harav Nosson Maimon. Reb Chaim Kramer. Just to mention a few.

    ….. Is a taste of the Geula.

    There are hundreds of mashpiim to learn from and take guidance. “bechira” is always in your hands to receive solid balanced guidance to truly experience Hashem, Torah, Tefilla, and Avodas Hashem.

  10. “Many wives are excited to spend the next 360 days with their husbands who reached great spiritual heights and received great cleansing and healing in Uman”

    I have difficulty with several of your comments but this one sort of stands out as especially dubious. I doubt that most yiddeshe wives with several kids at home are kvelling about the “Ukranian spiritual colonic” enjoyed by their husbands who ran off to Uman and left them and the kinderlach by themselves over yom tov. Spending time with the family, davening with kavanah and perhaps visiting the kevorim of untold numbers of big rabbonim and tzadikim close to home in EY or NY would have left everyone at a higher madregah and feeling good about the year to come.

  11. Koiach of the tzadik
    Right…. because everyone and everything is wrong and scam-like. The only emes in this world is Uman (sarcasm).
    The Rabbonim who advise married men to stay with their families in their homes and communities for yommim tovim are ignorant.
    The Haztolah volunteers who dedicate their time, efforts, and self-sacrifices (at times in the middle of the night in the snow storm, or during neillah on yom kippur) are scammers.
    YWN and various other Jewish news outlets are all fake news reporters because it doesn’t always fit YOUR narratives.
    The children asking where their father is on RH night to share what they learned in school at the yomtov table are just foolish children.
    The number ZERO is an important number relating to Uman. There are ZERO biblical or rabbinical mitzvos related to going to Uman. Zero! There are several mitzvos for walking the land of Israel (if a family finds themselves lucky to spend RH together there), and several potential mitzah opportunities for staying in their own communities for yommim tovim. Just remember you are bringing a big plate of shtushim to Hashem after 120 years, with the main serving of ZERO as the main dish; with regards to Uman. Spiritual uplift is not a mitzvah, but a ZERO. There is a liberal wing of yiddishkuit called Spiritual Judaism.

  12. The article says that over Rosh Hashona Hatzolah takes over the operations of the local medical clinic. If that is the case, then the 2700 people treated would be drawn not just from the ~30K yidden who were there for yomtov, but also from the city’s permanent population of ~85K.

  13. The spirit of RH lasted all of two days on YWN. And that’s only because everyone was off their computers.

    It’s a tragedy that someone died; it seems that despite his illness it was unexpected at this time,or he wouldn’t have been able to travel. Meanwhile, can you guys stop fighting over statistics? Who cares? Hatzalah did their job as always, and presumably, everyone is safely on his way home, refreshed and recharged.

    Get over it and G’mar Chatima Tova.

  14. katen hatorah, milhouse, TGISHABBOS, & Co…had these guys even once taken the side of ehrlicher yiden…we would agree with them but they always mock dass torah, ehrlich yidden so here no different

  15. TGIshabbos

    I bless you and others reading this that you go to your local bookstore and buy some seforim from the tzadikim and gain some perspective on connecting to hasham and why he created us, Maybe you will actually start enjoying shabbos.

    Being a ehrilcher yid does NOT mean one needs to be robotic.

    Gmar chasima toiva!

  16. will you please tell us what the person died from and what the 2,700 were treated for?
    was it illnesses? diseases? drugs?
    please be open and honest about what happened.
    thank you.

  17. “shimen” I’m sorry that you missed hearing your children tell you Divrei Torah at the YomTov table because you decided to be thousands of miles away in a place that has zero meaning in the Torah. I’m sorry you weren’t able to blow shofar for the frail elderly at the Jewish nursing home near me, you were thousands of miles away leaving your wife and children behind. I don’t know how you view Torah and Gemulus Chasadim in your household, but many of us hold it much more dearly than you.

  18. Rabossai, let’s back down here with the vile rhetoric. The title of this sad story is that someone died, r”l. There are grieving parents and a grieving wife! A little ahavas Yisrael on this Tzom Gedalia!

  19. TGIShabbos
    Do you know who “shimen” is? How do you that he actually has kids whose dvar Torah he missed? Maybe he doesn’t and went in the hope of davening to be helped? Do you know what’s going on in his household that you reserve the right to flippantly criticize it? Are you truly sorry that he missed hearing his kids’ dvar torah?
    Please let us know.

    halevei you should have such pure souls chidren as i, and the kind of yidden, we have. . I NEVER WENT WITHOUT MY ZEESE LECHTIGE KINDER except a few days to florida. by the way how many times did you go vacationing 2 wks without children (not dafke you…your kind).. JUST TO GET away…from you burdenous children? That is ok but to go to a rebbe or kivrei tzaddikim is not ok. i live in bklyn mah circlesand chasidus is in bklyn so…
    as for your gemilis chassodim your worried about those ehrlicher tzaddikim in uman …they have 360 days left. and theres plenty gemilas chasodim one can do wherever he is.all your beloneys asided ..does the gemiles chasadim bother you? No
    does the no torah saying for children bother you. NO!
    does the blowing shofer for invalids bother you NO !!
    what pricks your eye as we mentioned is .TRUE YIDDEN . EHRILICHER YIDDEN THAT OBSREVE THE TORAH AS OUR ZEIDES ELTER ZEIDES(WHICH PROBABLY YOUR ELTER ELTER ZEIDES LOOKED LIKE(nebech on thier neshomes)all the way to sini.

    And whas so geferlich that the children will not say torahlech these 2 days or three ? Even by all chassidus rosh hashona davening is very very late and eating is fast , rush back to the thier holy rebbes tish. (Ahhh now you have more to mock). Unlike youe ‘temples’ where you ‘flikh oop’ the prayers so you can rush to your salmon and tomato dip. by chassidim yomim noruim is practically all ruchnious

  22. As per Arutz Sheva:

    “The young Jewish man suffered from an advanced case of cancer and knew he was in his final days. As he dying wish, he asked to be flown to Uman for Rosh Hashannah so that he could die near Rebbe Nachman’s grave.

    The funeral procession is now moving to the grave of Rebbi Nachman. From there the body will be brought to the US for burial.”

  23. galichianer
    yasher koach for those words.
    what we are concerned about is ‘vda mah shetoshiv l’apikorsus. what they say or think of me , you is’ mein linka peya’ these soina hadas connot be left off the hook. probably their children intermarried and that stecht them unlike we have children with pure neshomos becaue they dont know about the shmutz from the gass that is wanted to be force on us…if will be yeharog veal yavor. will not happen

  24. me, b’h, have, youngest out of house 10 years…already have …….great granchildren . shaygetz TGISHABBOS & Co will not have if 10 times reincarnated. on such ris …… yisroel it says ‘ain manichim oiso lasos tesuvah’

    you say ‘…has no meaning in torah….’… gemmorah broochos 6a ‘ b’chol makom asher azkir es shemee ovo ailacha ubeirachticha’ trans. ‘wherever you will ‘pray’ i will be….so whats your busines where 10’s of 1000’s yidden decide to daven…there are exception like reform churches where you belong over there hes not see mes shabbos , kol kisvei

  26. Without getting into the whole Uman talk here. Just for those who think its Zero etc. Please just do your homework on the topic before you lash out against those who see it as a Big thing. Nobody expects you to understand it before who learn the sugya. Looking at it from the outside it could really seem to be a bit weird. But once you look/learn into it a bit deeper or experience it you see how big it really is.

    Now about the niftar ר’ אברהם בן יבלח”א ר’ משה דוד . ( I could write pages and pages about Avrumy Z”L and how he lived his life in general and did for other Yidden and served Hashem with such ביקוש האמת and the past few months especially, but i”ll never end. I’ll just share a bit about the last few days leading up to the פטירה).

    Yes he was very sick ר”ל . But wasn’t expected to finish his life yet. He might have had some kind of feeling he was reaching his פטירה but to everyone around him this was a big shock. Ever since he was diagnosed he didn’t stop mentioning how he hopes to make it to Uman for Rosh Hashanah. He had a ticket booked way before he got sick. He asked me and many of his friends countless times to daven he makes it there for R”H. The original plan was that he needed a surgery 2/3 weeks before R”H. In that case it would have been very hard for the doctors to let him go. A few weeks before the planned surgery another complication came up and it was sent for testing. At that time the surgery was canceled for the time being due to the unclear growth they found. At that time Avrumy Z”L told some close friends that maybe this all came up just that he could be able to make it for R”H. Last week Thursday after many problems that kept on coming up he B”H flew to Uman as he wished so badly. Shockingly once he took off the doctors figured out what the unknown growth was. He only got the results once he was already in Uman. The results were bad R”L. Even so he was strong and spent Shabbos with friends in Uman happy and full of Emunah. He came to shul Shabbos morning got a Aliyah and shmoozed after davening with friends with his smile and full of chizuk. Nobody would have been able to tell that just hours before he got a deadly report about his condition. Erev R”H he was at the ציון and said the תיקון הכללי as he yearned and davened to do so for months. Then R”H came in and he reached the goal of his trip and months of yearning and davening. From there on he just started getting weaker and weaker. Spent R”H night singing to hashem with a group of people and just speaking words of Emuna Chizuk etc. The next day he returned his נשמה to hashem in the place and time he was awaiting to be at, R”H by Rebbe. There was some big mission he needed to achieve there that we can’t understand or even try to grasp. “והנסתרות לה’ אלוקינו” .

    Avrumy Z”L we won’t forget you and your a huge inspiration to all of those who had the Zchus to know you. You did so much in your short life in so many areas in life. We have so much to live up to after seeing what one person can accomplish in תורה עבודה וג”ח etc .


  27. Shimen, any other insults for me and others who disagree with you?? So far I’m “a reform Jew who goes to temple” and I “rush to my salmon and tomato dips”. So anyone who disagrees with you belongs in a Reform Temple? Okay……. Any other nonsense and insults towards me and others,? Keep in coming, I see how much your Uman ruchniyos is showing!

  28. רבותי!

    Please it’s עשרת ימי תשובה let’s stop all the מחלוקת here even if we disagree. This is definitely not the way to get a point across.

    לע”נ ר’ אברהם בן יבלח”ט ר’ משה דוד

  29. Shmen says:
    … by chassidim yomim noruim is practically all ruchnious.

    And lyda lyda the rest of the year is practically all gashmius and worse. Hamavin yavin. Hashem yerachem!

    The villna gaon knew very well what he was saying.

  30. spending time at a kever around RH is an honored tradition; spending time on RH at a kever is NOT. we pray to God and sice yiftach be’doro ke’shmuel be’doro we ought to seek inspiration from those among us. Inspiration from the dead is just inspiration from whatever telling you to do whatever.

    i dont
    ‘disagree with you’ . we dont have personel thing wid u or me. bUY GUYS LIKE YOU you haveto put into place…WHAT IS IT YOUR CONCERN WHERE YIDDEN DECIDE TO DAVEN!!! are you worried how they feed thier families as much as if they say torahs to thier children!!
    let us repeat YOU &Co are soine ehrlicher yidden. You & Co mock REAL shomreie torahAII over…Mixed busses , support for rishey yisroel who uproot our holiness like WOW & CoETC ETC . you insult real ehrlicher yidden all over in like atrticles AND U HAVE THE UNMIGITATED GALL AND UNMIGITATED CHUTZPAH TO THAT CRY WE INSULT YOU!!!

  32. P.S. GOING TO A KAVER OF A TZADDIK TO DAVEN IS B’FERISH IN THE TORAH. Cue: kalef ben yefineh!! going to kivrei tzddikkim these days of awe is beferish in SHULCHEN URECH the beg hilchos rosh hashane(when i go i even see your kind. the way they…definately consrevative or..) ) so here we have 40,000 yiden, including a lot of tzaddikim(see one of posters abpve…. { davening in kosher a shul etc etc near the kaver of a tzaddik and you rish’…yisroel wiiinnnneeeeabout it !!!

    you have no reading comp…we mentiond me dont belong to breslov chassidos. as matter where me go is a little disaggreement with ….but kol mokem sheyesh chillil hashem as we mentioned in other pists ein cholkin. especially you & Co guys is ‘veda mah shtoshive

    you have no reading comp…we mentiond me dont belong to breslov chassidos. as matter where me go is a little disaggreement with braslev,….but’ kol mokem sheyesh chillil hashem….’ as we mentioned in other pists ein cholkin. especially you & Co guys is ‘veda mah shtoshive L’APIKORSIM..’It is YOU& CO who started insulting (and all over it is YOU & CO who insult &mock our holy torah and minhaggim!!

  35. Shimen,
    So EVERYONE going to Umon is Erlich and anyone disagreeing with the very going is the same status as “reform”.

    You sure define the meaning of a ‘black and white’ approach…

    Said that, while I myself would never go, I do understand many that do, just for the very fact that there are tens of thousands of all kinds of Klal Yisrael davening at one place. Even if it would be any other place in the world, that it its own is not something to dismiss…

  36. GAON. 9/13 11 23 am
    Please read mah post end understand tyhe underlying issues…and it is NOT the subject of going or not going to where ones heart feels he will be spiritually uplifted(where ever one goes is still better than a ‘house of ‘minim’ and hertics’ SEE SHIMEN 9/12 8:49 PM last few lines what the issue either touch up on ur reading comprihension or read posts before you comment

  37. TAKES2-2TANGO 13 928:00 am

    OOPS, i forgot about another yid(?) who mocks all over real ehrlicher yidden as per ….see our posts above..2to-tango iss the leading mocker of all holy to us

    anyway ‘v’yiftach hashem es pi…’ ehr hot zeich shoin ungerigt…you say we ‘ehrlicher yidden a whole year its gashmius and worse vhamayvin youven’ so your whole year is kilo ruchnious ?Yes (should we say ‘yada, your language?) we saw from all your posts all over vos far a ‘heiliger yid du bist.
    2) so all these holy tzaddikim…bal shem tov, mesridger, lubavitcher chassidim, yismach moseh zidichover , etc etc and thier holy deciples(i’ll give in -not me) and the posters and all 100, 100 100rd’s of thouands of followers bobv chasid ,ger, etc etc are ‘ and worse’ and de heilige vilne gaon would say what you say on them?!….listen here you shaygetz, for you talking like that about millions of ehrlicher yidden (and like me says -one couldnt care what you say) MAY HASHEM JUDGE YOU IN KIND! and this i reallly mean as me thinks you deseve it…as we seen about you…. see first 2 lines


  38. takes 2-2tango
    anodder ting mr tango
    theres a holy tzaddik whos negetive shite was at another godel(much less than him, but a gadol . so his deciples followed..and were told
    ‘ better watch out, this holy tzaddik, gadol hador, when looked down minhashomayim and exclaim ‘who spoke against this gadol, ah this kadosh, we cant mix in ‘ehr hot breite pleitzes’ (there was plenty such cases thruout generations like this but if shomayim looks down and see these low life nobodys , in our case ,this low life nobody , talks against this gadol ‘oich un vey’ oich in vey Mr TANGO what awaits you…

  39. TGISHABBOS 9/13 509 am
    well we’ve read plenty cases of the helige ballei tsuvous, and b’ezras hashem many, many, many more to return, (henei boim neim hashem, lo tzomah l’mayim’ vlo ruav l’lachem, ki im lishmoah dvar hashem) they all mentioned about the only spiritual they remembered about the PASSOVER sedorim is the rush thru the haggadah because fam was more interested in the kneidlech then the fairy tail of the 10 plagues etc

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