Poll Reveals The Ignorance Of 11th And 12th Graders In Israeli Public Schools

A special survey to be published in the “שישבת” supplement in Yisrael Hayom examined the level of general knowledge of 514 eleventh and twelfth grade Israeli pupils, revealing worrisome results for the nation’s public school system.

Two-thirds of the respondents did not know what happened on November 29th, half of them did not know what the Green Line was, and only 7% knew the date of Yitzhak Rabin’s assassination.

Marking the opening of the new school year at the beginning of the week, Shisbat (שישבת) conducted a special survey to examine the level of general knowledge of Israeli students and their knowledge of many subjects that appear in the high school classroom materials or that appear frequently in media reports.

To this end, a representative sample of 514 eleventh and twelfth grade students in the Jewish sector was selected, and they were presented with various questions regarding citizenship, history and current events. These are the same questions posed to a representative sample of teachers in 2015, by the dati leumi Kippa website, which also raised problematic results.

The report adds that only 30% of the students are fluent in the words of the national anthem, Hatikvah.

Regarding Chav Tet November, this refers to November 29, 1947, when the UN General Assembly voted in favor of a resolution which adopted the plan for the partition of Palestine, recommended by the majority of the UN Special Committee on Palestine. 33 states voted in favor of the resolution and 13 against. 10 nations objected.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. The question to ask is how does that compare to other countries. How many students in the United States know what a “suffragette” is? One guy even created a video showing how liberal university students were happy to sign a petition to *stop* “women’s suffrage”. How many know who actually owned (apparently all of the) the some 4 million slaves on the eve of the Civil War? In fact, How many know what political party Lincoln belonged to.

  2. Your headline scared me at first. Wow, they polled all these kids and most of them didn’t know what Shema Yisroel is, or what Hoshana Rabba is, or what days we don’t wear Tefillin, or such. After reading the article, I was so relieved to learn that they really do know the answers to those questions and of course much more. Just some questions about political issues from before they were born. It’s gratifying to learn that all the really important subjects are being covered in their schools!

  3. I do not know what is special about November 29 is, but if asked about November 29, 1947, I would have guessed that is the date of the UN resolution partitioning Palestine into Jewish and Arab sectors. , (A lot of Americans think July 4 celebrates the invention of the cookout, or the day Betsy Ross made the first American flag.)

    I know what the Green Line is, but I don’t know the date of Rabin’s assassination, though I do know his assassin was a nominally frum and extreme Zionist. (Actual frum Jews don’t kill Israeli leaders, even if they disagree with them.)

  4. georgeg,
    there was humorous videos of guys going around getting people (mostly female) to sign
    petitions opposing female suffrage
    and most signed:))

  5. I have a great solution to this problem.
    Let’s send Moster & his cohorts, to demand that the education standards be fixed & protest this terrible ignorance!!!

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