PHOTOS: Rav Yaakov Meyer Schecter Heads To Uman For The 2nd Year In A Row After 30 Years Away

Last year, an extensive amount of drama was created in the Breslov community surrounding Hagaon HaRav Yaakov Meir Schehter’s visit to Uman over Rosh Hashanah. The visit marked his first time in the city for Rosh Hashanah in approximately 30 years.

HaRav Schechter is a prominent leader and Mashpia in the Breslov Chasidic movement in Israel. He is a well-known Mekubal and the Rosh Yeshiva of both the main Breslov Yeshiva in Meah Shearim, and the Non-Breslov Shaar Hashamayim Yeshiva in Mekor Baruch.

This year, Rav Schechter once again left the confines of his home in Yerushalayim to attend the pilgrimage to Uman on Tuesday morning. He traveled to Ben Gurion airport, where he boarded a private jet and flew to Ukraine.

He flew with a number of close confidants and a Sefer Torah. Prior to boarding their private jet, the group sat in the Massada lounge and sang songs.

He is scheduled to be Davening this Shabbos in the Keren Orah community in Uman, and not in city of the Mezibuz like originally planned.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. after the moshiach arrives will he still go to Uman? the only bracha those who go to Uman and leave EY should get to make is Asher Yatzahr.

  2. The jarring optics of ad after ad seeking tzadakah for yesomim at this time of year, families who cannot afford to put meat on the table for yom tov, unmet medical bills forcing a family out of their home etc. along with photos of these chahuvah rabbonim sitting in first class lounges with their lattes and fresh fruit and flying in comfort to Uman aboard some private jet stands out. Of course, they are free to spend their money as they see appropriate and their gaaboim can seek wealthy chassidim to donate their private jets, but again the optics just seem weird.

  3. How many poor YIdden, could be fed, their children sent to Yeshiva, sick people treated, with all the millions of dollars being spent in Ukraine, whose soil is soaked with the blood of our Bubbies and Zaides. R”L

  4. What does this luxury this say? for whatever reason. A mashpia etc.. and all the gadlus, can’t see what this looks like,?
    Im sure they do have a valid reason, but why give all the yeshiva world’nicks including my self-something to talk about.
    I’m coming to the conclusion that seeing all this is not good for me, better I don’t look

  5. To all you hypocrites, please let us know the last time you deprived yourself of fresh fruit and sent the money to orphans instead. Let’s see someone offering your almost 90-year-old rabbi a comfortable flight and you would say, “No, Kavod Harav, it’s more fitting for you to sit in economy class.”
    I think that never before was there a generation that was so arrogant as to question the behavior of gedolei Torah, a generation where people have a quasi full-time profession of writing disgusting comments against the Torah and those who uphold it.
    It’s time to ban once and for all these people from YWN – how about you go and join the staff of HaAretz instead?
    However, it’s probably a better idea that I stop visiting YWN because it’s a long time since it represented anything even vaguely yeshivish. How’s that for a Rosh Hashanah resolution?

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