30,000 Israelis Heading To Uman For Rosh Hashanah

Approximately 30,000 Israelis are traveling to the tziyun of Rav Nachman of Breslov ZATZAL in Uman this Rosh Hashanah.

Anyone heading to Ben-Gurion International Airport in the coming days ahead of Rosh Hashanah will be met with a difficult situation at best. According to airport officials, on Wednesday, 25 Elul, 90,000 travelers will pass through the airport on 588 flights, both taking off and landing.

On Thursday, there will be 107,000 travelers on 650 arrivals and takeoffs, and the airport is going to be congested and most likely, chaotic.

According to airport officials’ estimates, during the coming days, about 30,000 Israelis will be heading to Uman on one of 140 flights from Israel to the Ukraine before Rosh Hashanah. This is in addition to thousands heading to Uman from the United States and Europe.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. I’m not a big fan of the Uman pilgrimage for a variety of reasons, but having said that, I wish them all a safe and rewarding trip and a shanah tovah. May they find whatever they were looking for in Uman they couldn’t find at home.

  2. It’s takeh an amazing phenomenon that has taken off. I wonder if this fascination with Uman will continue for many years, or is it cyclical like everything else, as people get bored and look for new things for excitement, and will peter out in a few years?

  3. Please whoever goes
    Do NOT Daven to Reb Nachman ‘זצל this according to everyone is 100% Avodah Zorah a form of idolatry
    Instead as the two most given reasons either Reb Nachman should be bring your Tefilos to Hashem or that by a Tzadik grave is a Holy Place for one to Daven to Hashem

  4. Don’t be silly, nobody imagines Reb Nachman has his own powers to help them. Everyone understands that the only way he can help anyone is by invoking Hashem’s mercy on them, and the yeshua comes from Hashem, not from him. It’s no different from asking a living tzadik to pray for you, as Hashem explicitly told Avimelech to do.

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