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State Objects to a Tax-Free Sderot

kassam44.jpgAddressing the Tel Aviv District Court on Wednesday, attorneys for Sderot residents called upon the state to grant them a tax-free zone, explaining they are not provided adequate security and at present, there is no justification towards paying taxes.

The state objected, explaining this is not the case at all, unwilling to accept the petition on behalf of Sderot residents.

Justice Avi Zamir heard the sides in a response to the state’s request to reject the residents’ plea. The state insisted the current security realities in the southern city do not justify a tax-free reality, adding the court is not qualified to weigh the current security issues vis-à-vis the demands of residents. The state is calling upon the court to reject the petition outright.

Sderot residents Alon Davidi, Rena Mor-Yosef and Batia Katar, who are filing on behalf of their neighbors, explained they do not see the justification of continuing paying money to the national government, such as value added tax and income tax, but acknowledge the need to continue paying local taxes.

Residents maintain they have all been abandoned, now cannon fodder for Hamas-launched rockets.

Residents are also seeking a tax refund as of June 28, 2004, the first time a rocket claimed a human life, when Mordechai Yosefpov, 49, and Afik Zahavi, 4, were murdered in an attack.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. Wow. The wicked Zionists have allowed the savages to murder-by-rocket innocent Jews for almost 4 YEARS? Aren’t these politicians embarrassed?

    The Sderot residents deserve much more than a tax break. How about giving them new homes away from the mess that the Zionists clearly cannot contain, like in, say, Tel Aviv?

  2. I would suggest that the residents, not be protected by the state, pool their monies and buy some machine shop equipment. They should begin the production of the Massak rockets (kassam spelled backwards, (as in “coming back right at ya”) and when fired upon by the Palestinian state should return a similar amount of rockets in the same general direction from whence they were launched. If you need directions on making rockets they are available on any number of Palestinian and Moslem Rockets. You can practice with estes rockets and just keep enlarging the scale. It works.

  3. How about giving them new homes away from the mess that the Zionists clearly cannot contain, like in, say, Tel Aviv?
    I would suggest Beitar or Kiryat Sefer if they can get past the “welcoming committee”, and then when necessary Sederot will welcome B & KS when the situation in the center gets hot and heavy.

  4. The main justification for a state to collect taxes is that they provide protection.

    If they are unwilling or unable to provide protection, then they have defaulted on their obligation, and they have no valid claim for taxes.

    I guess the Israeli government is fearful that a successful claim for Sderot willl start a landslide of similar claims by other victimized settlements.

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