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Lieberman: Serve In The IDF Or Pay

avigdor lieberman.jpgMK (Yisrael Beitenu) Avigdor Lieberman is pushing for a new law that will compel anyone who does not serve in the IDF to give a portion of his salary to the state, a tax or punishment of sorts.  Addressing a Haifa University audience, Lieberman explained that everyone is compelled to serve the country, either in the military or a form of national service, or be compelled to pay.

Seeking to support his legislation, he explained Switzerland, an acknowledged democracy, enacted such a law in the 1990’s.

He admonished a country that permits its members of parliament to visit enemy nations, referring to Arab MKs visiting Syria and Lebanon following the Second Lebanon War. He stated non-Jews living here is fine, as long as they pledge their allegiance to the country and serve towards upholding their share of the responsibility.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)


10 Responses

  1. וישימו עליו שרי מסים למען ענתו בסבלתם

    As explained in the medresh. Why is that the israeli Government always seems to take their ideas from those governments that oppressed the jews? Coincidence? The Bosheviks, the Nazis, and now from the Egyptians, kulom y’sh.

  2. Do we want all the Druzim and Israeli Arabs in the IDF? Let all those who serve receive a tax rebate instead….

  3. Typical and expected.
    Does the army also feel ?
    Sounds reminiscent of Boutrous Boutrous-Ghali and Thant, but really, why now ???

    Is solidarity but a mere euphemistic pessimism, or Bear-Staerns like bunker buster??

    This is really just self-serving and promogulating. Limoshol, say you were expecting guests for Purim and made a super fancy Marshmallaow Rhubarb Melt. Then you realized that somehow the peanut butter ran like Mount Vesuvius and made your hard work look like collapsed transmuted mush purchased in Paraguay, would you then say that the best solution is to plop a prune through the middle of the cream ?? Really now!!! No more of this army business…

    See Perfidy pg. 211-234 for more background on understanding the conundrum…

  4. i am not in favor of this tax. ithink what they should do is provide compulsory sevice elswhere. eg local service , soup kitchen service,clean up service;etc…etc….. however all exemptions apply. if the person is learning than he doesnt serve. if he or she is invalid, they are exempt.
    its a tough decision; arabs wont serve and we dont trust them, justfiable.yeshiva boys are learning and its justifiable to exempt them. thus you eliminate a significant amount of people from the draft. for a small country it is difficult.

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