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YWN Eretz Yisroel Evening News Roundup 3/19/08

kosel1.jpg(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)


*A truck carrying 3 tons of potassium, an ingredient used in the manufacture of explosive devices was apprehended at an IDF checkpoint on the Trans-Samaria Highway in Shomron near Kalkilye. The truck was impounded and the driver taken into custody.

*A bus traveling in eastern Gush Etzion on Tuesday afternoon was attacked by Arab rock-throwers near the Arab village of Tuqwa, which is located between the Jewish communities of Efrat and Tekoa. No injuries were reported.

*A Qassam rocket fired from Hamas-controlled Gaza during the early afternoon hours on Wednesday landed near Kibbutz Kfar Aza. No injuries or property damage were reported.

*Police bomb demolition technicians were summoned to HaShachar Street in Petach Tikvah after a hand grenade was found on the lawn of a home. No injuries were reported. Police are investigating.


*The Kfar Saba Magistrate’s Court released Tzviya Arial, 18, who has been imprisoned for some 14 weeks on suspicion of assaulting an Arab. She has refused to recognize the validity of the secular Israeli court system, resulting in her prolonged remand. Justice Nava Bechor brought the matter to an end, acquitting Tzviya today – permitting her release. Some of her supporters called the move too little too late.

*MK Zevulun Orlev (National Union-NRP) rejected the notion that members of Knesset are permitted to publicly announce they do not recognize Israeli law. He was referring to statements made by Arab lawmakers Dr. Ahmed Tibi (Ra’am – Ta’al) and Jamal Zahalka (National Democratic Assembly) that they do not recognize eastern portions of the capital or Jabel Mukaber as parts of Jerusalem. Orlev stated they are comparable to one entering a mikve with a rodent in hand, explaining they seek to benefit from the protection of the law while they opt to comply with it when it serves them, while ignoring the oath of office they took as elected public representatives. The Arab lawmakers stated in Knesset that they view those areas as “occupied” by Israel and they do not recognize any law that claims to include them under Israeli sovereignty.

*MK (Likud) Limor Livnat has put forward a bill seeking to guarantee the nation’s IDF preparatory yeshivas will be included in the national annual budget. She explained the institutions are too important to leave the funding to the subjective decision-making process of one administration or another. Her initiative enjoys the support of 40 lawmakers who co-signed the bill.

*Switzerland’s ambassador to Israel was summoned to appear before Foreign Ministry European Desk official Rafi Barak following a visit to Iran by his country’s foreign minister to sign a gas deal with Iran. Barak explained the move is counter to Israeli interests and is viewed in a grave light by officials in Jerusalem. He added the move is contrary to ongoing efforts by the UN Security Council and the European Union to increase pressure on Iran towards halting ongoing nuclear enrichment efforts.

*Pro-terrorist epithets were painted on a building on Nechemia Street in Tel Aviv. Slogans included, “Death to Jews”, “There will be attacks,” and “Hamas to power”. Police are investigating.

*Lab employees in government-run hospitals will implement a work slowdown tomorrow, Thursday, Taanis Esther, explaining they will not report lab test results to physicians and patients. The reason given for the work slowdown is what the union calls foot-dragging by Finance Ministry negotiators regarding demands for workers’ rights and benefits.

*Health Ministry officials are now calling on all passengers aboard an Arkia Airlines flight from Haifa to Eilat on Sunday morning, March 16th, to report to a ministry office if they have not been vaccinated against measles. It appears the latest case is another health worker.

This morning, YWN reported that a physician in Jerusalem’s Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital was infected, calling on any unvaccinated person who was in the hospital emergency room on Shabbos to report to a ministry office.

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