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Purim Round-Up From YWN

clown21.jpg*There will be a Kinus Hisorirus tonight (Erev Taanis Esther) in Flatbush, given by Hagon Rav Avrohom Schorr Shlita in regards to the Matziv facing Klal Yisroel today – most notably the deteriorating economy – and Inyonei Purim. Khal Tiferes Yackov; 1212 East 15th Street; 9:00PM; FOR MEN & WOMEN – IN ENGLISH! 

*Rabbi Oizer Alport who shares Parsha Potpourri with YWN each week, has written an extra edition Likovid Purim. The scheduled Parsha Potpourri can be found in its regular location – the button titled Parsha Potpourri under “Features”. The special edition can be read by clicking HERE.

*Rabbi Moishe Dovid Lebovits who writes the beautiful Daily Halacha for YWN, has been covering the Halachos of Mishloach Manos for the past two weeks. They can be accessed by clicking on the Daily Halacha button under the Features section. Once inside the Daily Halacha section – be sure to click on the Daily Torah Archives. 

*Don’t forget to have someone take in your Mishloach Manos from your front door on Erev Shabbos/Purim – if you plan on going away for Shabbos. This will hopefully prevent burglaries. To read the Shomrim alert regarding this – click HERE.

*Alternate Side Parking regulations will be suspended on Thursday, March 20 and Friday, March 21, throughout the 5 Boros of NYC. All other regulations, including parking meters, remain in effect.

*Weather forecasters in the NY/NJ are predicting Taanis Esther with the following: High of 54°F, and sunny to partly cloudy & windy. On Purim day forecasters predict: High of 45°F, mostly sunny and windy. For all other location, please click HERE to be redirected to the YWN weather page.

*In Eretz Yisroel, weather forecasters are predicting that the Purim M’Shulash weekend will be unseasonably hot and dry. Highs for today, Wednesday, in major cities as follows: Jerusalem 71, Tel Aviv 68, Haifa 75, Tiveria (Tiberias) 82, Tzfat (Safed) 75, Beersheva 78, and Eilat 87. Temperatures will continue to rise on Thursday, with an additional increase expected on Friday and Shabbos.

*Taanis Esther (Fast of Esther) is observed around the country on Thursday. Purim is observed in most of the country on Friday, at which time everyone, including Jerusalemites will hear the megilla — but Shushan Purim [Jerusalem Purim] it falls on Shabbos for Jerusalem and other ‘walled cities’ [when Al HaNisim is recited] and it is therefore pushed off to Sunday out of respect to Shabbos, at which time Jerusalemites will have their seuda (holiday meal) and distribute mishloach manos (holiday packages), earning the name Purim M’Shulash (Three-day Purim holiday).

All additional info will be updated and posted on YWN.

(For YWN: Dov Gordon NYC & Yechiel Spira Israel)

7 Responses

  1. “most notably the deteriorating economy”

    Are you aware of what is going on, that the deteriorating economy has become the underlying problem that “Israeli Matzav” is concerned with? Tomorrow Rebetzin K of BB has asked all to recite particular tehillims,,,is it because of the financial falling dollar? I think not!!

  2. We live in Eretz Yisroel and one major concern- besides for the security situation is the falling dollar. People are literally without food and utilities!!
    The situation is terrible. The food stores are emptier as well- with less buyers for the basics!
    May Yeshuas Hashem be felt all over very soon!!!

  3. “I think not.” Think again. Rav Schorr is in touch with the Gedolei Yisroel, both here and in Eretz Yisroel, and is machni’ah himself to them. He has said that this is why we need to gather.

    May I please remind you: There was a call to men, women and children to gather to say Tehilim and Yom Kippur Koton on Erv Rosh Chodesh Adar I. There was, I am sorry to say, a very poor turnout. One month later the foresight of the Einei Ha’Aidah became very clear when we heard the tragic news of the first ever massacre in a Yeshiva in Eretz Yisroel since the Chevron massacre of תרפ”ט. Are we going to continue think we know more than our Gedolim even after Rosh Chodesh Adar II? “I think (hope) not.”

  4. Let’s do like the Jews in Shushan did in Mordechai’s time. All K’lal Yisroel must do teshuvah! We have our Homon today. Many of our people have become very wealthy,some through honest means,some otherwise.Each “group” or “branch “in K’lal Yisroel looks down on the others. WE NEED ACHDUS! Let’s stop being mean to each other!The level of morality has gone way down in the general world and we have been affected,too.

  5. The collapse of beersterns caused a lot of financial heartache for a lot of frum yidden. There is nothing wrong with davening for financial security here and in israel. If we are not secure here this affects the tzeddaka organizations of israel which the poor rely on.

  6. #4 great call for Achdus. in your words, you do not want the honest wealthy people (branch???) to not look down on the dishonest wealthy people (branch). why did you include: “Many of our people have become very wealthy,some through honest means,some otherwise.”

    “some otherwise”??? great call for Achdus! I am disappointed in your post.

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