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Egyptian Peace Partner Defends Islamic Violence

mubarak.jpgCarefully choosing his words, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak released statements defending what he calls, Islamic resistance, i.e., Arab terror.

In his Tuesday address marking the birthday of the prophet Mohammed, the Egyptian leader expressed his support for the right of people “under occupation” to use “resistance” towards bringing it to an end.

Mubarak sent a message to Israel, stating “no occupation lasts forever,” adding the use of “collective punishment” will not achieve its objective.

The 80-year-old Egyptian leader spend most of his days in his Sharm el-Sheikh resort, having little to do with the day-to-day running of his nation. He is working to further improve his good standing with the White House, while laying the groundwork for his son Gamal to succeed him, a reality that will not easily be achieved.

With the continued growth of the Islamic Brotherhood and increased support for Islamic fundamentalist policies, Mubarak’s popularity among his people continues to wane.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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