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IDF Soldiers Recover, Joyride, & Damage Stolen Vehicle

idf logo.jpgA vehicle stolen from Israel was recovered in a PA village by IDF Nachal Brigade soldiers who decided to take the vehicle for a spin before returning it.

Unfortunately, the soldier driving was involved in an accident with an Arab motorist, resulting in significant damage to the vehicles.

Soldiers assigned to the Granit Brigade were working with police a few days ago towards recovering stolen Israeli vehicles from Arab villages in Shomron, near Yishuv Eli. They succeeded in locating five such vehicles.

The vehicles were parked overnight at the entrance to the area base, but in the morning, officers noticed one of the vehicles was missing. At the same time, they received a call for assistance for a motorist stuck on an area road.

The responding soldiers quickly realized the Israeli vehicle involved in an accident with an Arab motorist was none other than one of their soldiers, who without permission decided to take the recovered car for a spin in the area.

The soldier was uninjured, by the vehicle did not emerge as fortunate, sustaining serious damage. The soldier was sentenced to 28 days in jail. The sentry, who saw the soldier drive off without attempting to stop him or report his actions was remanded to base for 35 days.

Officials in the IDF Spokesman’s Office have confirmed the details of the event.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

3 Responses

  1. Arabs stole a car. The army found the car and brought it to a base. Soldiers (young guys) decided to take it for a ride before it was given back, but crashed into another Arab.
    The soldiers that joyrided the car got four weeks in prison. The sentry who did not alert when he saw the soldier joyride, got commended to base for thirty five days.

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