PHOTOS: Chareidim Protest In Yerushalayim After Reports That IDF Police Arrested Frum Girl


According to reports, IDF military police have arrested a frum girl for not reporting for military service, sparking a protest on Jerusalem’s Yirmiyahu Street on a busy Thursday afternoon.

While only several tens of persons took part in the protest, it was sufficient to interfere with traffic on the major vehicular thoroughfare.

Police responded and worked to remove protesters from the street to open it up to traffic once again.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem/Photo Credit: מחאות חרדים הקיצונים)

7 Responses

  1. I was stuck in traffic yesterday because of these animals.

    How many people who are not connected to anything to do with all of this were inconvenienced? MANY!

    People had to get off the bus that I was on and walk those in cars were stuck.

    These Peleg people are thugs in black coats and hats. It is a chillul haShem and that is the worst sin possible. In the time of the sanhedrian they would be put to death.
    I hope the police beat each and every one up and break their bones. (and yes I am charadi too)

  2. To mr lukshen kugel,
    I agree with you that Hashem is not happy with those guys. Do you think Hashem is happy with you? You need to understand that the servants of Hashem would never write such a comment . The people in the street talk like that. Maybe you are a servant to your food?

  3. @luckshun_kugel this is how Democracy works. we can vote and we can rally. Is Democracy the Torah way? no, of course not, but the frum yidden have long ago realized that while disagree fundamentally with the Zionist State, we’re stuck fighting these battles on their terms of voting and rallying….

  4. The article neglected to find out if the girl had registered herself as religious and gotten an exemption as all the other religious girls know to do.
    If she had a proper exemption which she should have had and this happened I can imagine the outrage. However it can be handled in court properly.
    If she failed to present herself as a religious girl (which is chaval, a shame) then the authorities were right to detain her.
    I am personally against women serving and know that any girl serving is doing so out of her own volition, No girl is forced to join the army, it is an easy procedure to be exempted.

  5. > avraham

    “You need to understand that the servants of Hashem would never write such a comment .”

    One must wonder just how much your educators censored your Tanach and Talmud for you to come up with that sentence.

  6. > bobjones

    “this is how Democracy works. we can vote and we can rally”

    Even here in Canada votes need ID and a rally needs a permit. Did these guys have either?

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