Why Does The Tap Water In Ramat Beit Shemesh Look Yellow & Brown?

Many residents of Ramat Beit Shemesh in recent weeks have complained about the tap water appearing discolored, yellow, and at times event brown.

According to Yael Friedson’s report in Yediot Achronot, the residents say that for two months the water from the tap has been yellow and they do not know whether it is dangerous or safe to drink and use. The Ministry of Health warns against drinking water and recommends waiting a few minutes, permitting the water to run for a few minutes until the water appears clean.

The reason for the color of the water is probably due to the use of desalinated water. The municipal corporation, “Mei Shemesh”, blamed Mekorot for supplying desalinated water only.

Mei Shemesh reports, “Water from drilled wells pushes rust from the pipes to the sides, as opposed to the desalination water, which pumps all the dirt from the pipes, and this is the source of the yellow water.”

Peled Dichter, CEO of the Mei Shemesh Water Corporation, told Yediot that “We are working under the full responsibility of the Water Authority and the Ministry of Health. We assume that this will diminish, but we cannot commit to a timeframe.”

The Ministry of Health told Yediot that “due to the change in the source of water supply to the city from the national system, the water pipes in Ramat Beit Shemesh are undergoing an adaptation process. Tests are conducted, and the water was found to be potable, but one should not use “first water”, meaning one should permit the water to run before using.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. what is reported is nonesense:
    Mei Shemesh reports, “Water from drilled wells pushes rust from the pipes to the sides, as opposed to the desalination water, which pumps all the dirt from the pipes, and this is the source of the yellow water.”

    as a person who worked in plumbing and engineering this is total stupidity. The pipes are corroded and the water is bringing that very corrosion to the consumer.

    Probably is not deadly , but certainly not a delight.

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