Water Crisis Imminent in Eretz Yisroel

kinerret.jpgAccording to the head of Israel’s Water Authority, Professor Uri Shani, a water crisis is imminent unless there is significant rainfall before this year’s rain season ends.

The past years have not provided adequate rainfall, with officials reporting that the Kinneret, the nation’s main aquifer, has drop three meters (9.75 feet) in the past three years as a result. Other water sources have also dropped and the Kinneret now measures a full meter (39 inches) below the Red Line.

There are fears that if the water level in Lake Kinneret is permitted to fall too low, the remaining water will become salinated, rendering the water body non-potable.

As a result of the current crisis, water prices for farmers are continue to rise and this of course will be reflected in the marketplace.

Shani also warns that if we have another year like this, by this time next year the situation in Israel will be critical and drastic measures must be implemented to conserve the precious resource.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

3 Responses

  1. i think it would be a good idea that everyone who visits israel should take along a box of 24 bottles of water (poland spring etc.etc). at the airport the box is taken by customs and either distributed to the army or literally dumped into the tiberias river.
    it would amount to an overwhelming amount of water on a yearly basis.

  2. Attention readers:
    This is what a real crisis means – when your family doesn’t have water to drink or to water your crops. Not when a newspaper or store shows pictures of women in wigs, or when a concert features music you don’t agree with, or even when some people hold by a different level of machmir than you do.

    When you take insignificant issues and make them into a “crisis,” Hashem sends a message to remind you what’s really important.

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