The Firing of 2,150 Jerusalem Municipality Employees is Underway

The Jerusalem Municipality has begun the process of firing 2,150 employees, blaming Finance Minister Moshe Kahlon for refusing to recognize the special needs of the nation’s capital and to approve the appropriate budget.

More than 1,000 workers will receive letters of dismissal this week, with at least 600 already sent out, including; 317 sanitation workers, 64 municipal police, 160 employees of Tipat Chalav well-baby clinics, 18 employees of the Employment Authority, 21 employees of the Absorption Authority and other departments.

Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat said, “Kahlon is responsible for the dismissal and a fatal blow to the livelihood of more than 2,000 Jerusalem families … I will continue to fight for Jerusalem and I will do everything to solve the crisis and do my best to prevent the city from being shut down by strikes. Kahlon has to show leadership and get out of hiding so that we can solve the crisis.”

Due to the emergency plan in which the municipality is required to cut NIS 250 million, the municipality canceled many activities and plans that will result in laying off over 1,150 additional employees.

As part of the emergency plan, it was decided, among other things, to cut NIS 65 million in the Education Administration budget, which would mean the cancellation of educational programs as well as the cancellation of afternoon programs and more.

A cut of NIS 70 million in a cultural administration, which means canceling all cultural events in a month, cutting subsidies in cultural institutions, sports associations, youth movements, community administrations, youth and tourism.

A cut of NIS 35 million in welfare means the cancellation of dozens of social worker jobs, the closing of the city’s Tipat Chalav clinics, the cancellation of support for welfare organizations and assistance to the needy, the closure of the Absorption Authority and the Employment Authority.

A NIS 65 million cut in the Operations Administration, which means severe damage to sanitation services and the firing of hundreds of cleaning and sanitation workers, reducing maintenance in the playgrounds, securing for afternoon programs and eliminating municipal policing.

City officials explain that “the widespread layoffs and cuts began following Kahlon’s decision not to transfer to the municipality the funds required to continue municipal activities. Unfortunately, the Minister of Finance is conducting a political war on the backs of the residents of Jerusalem, which will result in a fatal blow to Jerusalem and its residents and will result in a Jerusalem resident receiving 30% less than the rest of the country’s residents.

“This is a struggle for the future of Jerusalem that is shared by municipal employees, the Jerusalem District Federation, the parents’ committees, the community administrations throughout the city and all those who love Jerusalem, who send a sharp and clear statement to the finance minister.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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