WATCH: Eida Chareidis Covers Over Hechsher On Psagot Wine Labeled “Israel’s 70th Anniversary”

The Psagot Winery, which marketed a special bottle on the occasion of Israel’s 70th anniversary, was forced to hide the Kashrus symbol of the Badatz Eida Chareidis as reported by KAN News, but not necessarily because of the anti-Zionist ideology attributed to it. It is pointed out, the wine is still certified Kosher under the Eida Chareidis.

Journalist Uriah Elkayam exposed the behavior of the Badatz, which took place at the Psagot Winery in the Binyamin Regional Council, Shomron. A senior member of the Eida explained this was for reasons that are connected to outside parties, and not within the organization. However, the KAN News report states the Eida kashrus symbol was indeed removed because of the 70th anniversary label.

In a conversation with Kikar Shabbos News, the senior official from the Badatz said: “It’s not because there’s the symbol of the 70th anniversary on the bottles. It does not bother us. The point is, we do not have the time and the energy to fight over this with the faction that is more extreme than us.”

The official noted the Eida handled this exact issue the same way during Israel’s 60th anniversary.

“During the 60th anniversary of the Zionists, even more extreme activists from among us began a struggle to boycott the Osem Bamba company because of the it contained the symbol of the festivities”, he said.

It should be recalled that the inscription ‘Special Edition on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the State of Israel’, which appeared about a decade ago on a nougat-flavored Bamba stirred the wrath of the extremist circles, leading to pashkavilim calling for a boycott of the snack.

Then, in 2009, senior members of the Eida’s Vaad Kashrus were forced to defend themselves and prepare to absorb the economic damage to the large conglomerate under their supervision, said the Eida official.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

13 Responses

  1. Lehavdil, the other streams of Judaism also have social conscience certification, i.e. Uri latzedek and hechsher tzedakah, Badatz can also exercise their social agenda with their certification.

    If the manufacturer can’t stand it, they they can fire the certificates. If the customers get fed up, they can support the manufacturers based on their other hechsherim.

    Just saying.

  2. If the manufacturer can’t stand it, they they can fire the certificates. If the customers get fed up, they can support the manufacturers based on their other hechsherim.

    Just saying.

  3. Years ago, when Coke was insensitive to its Israeli customers and changed their bottle label to red and green featuring reindeer and fat men in red suits during December, Badatz also removed their stamp of approval from the bottle. When concerned customers contacted Badatz, they were told the product is Kosher but the stamp was removed because of the other things on the label.

    More recently, Badatz threatened to remove their certification from venues that planned on hosting January 1 parties under the name “New Years Party”.

    If there are other hechsherim still on the bottle, the consumer cam decide to continue to purchase and drink the varietals. Who knows, maybe the bottles will become a collector item like Kedem Malaga 2017 🙂

    Just saying.

  4. Face it, they’re a great hechsher. This one issue, recognition of the state, is their tough stickler. We all know that they have factions within their organization that can’t deal with it. We, the consumer want their superior quality hechsher. Their hechsher is best and, while I personally don’t like it, this is part of the price to pay! It’s called politics!

  5. Yaapchik
    August 14, 2018 7:32 pm at 7:32 pm
    Face it, they’re a great hechsher. This one issue, recognition of the state, is their tough stickler. We all know that they have factions within their organization that can’t deal with it. We, the consumer want their superior quality hechsher. Their hechsher is best and, while I personally don’t like it, this is part of the price to pay! It’s called politics.

    Best hechscher?
    Says who exactly?
    The most corrupt hechscher i can believe, but the best? Far from it!

  6. hibadelu mi’toch ha’eidah ha’zos. im yirtzah ha’shem they will be part of the arab state in a two-state solution. better to eat stam rabbanut and not from such reshayim.

  7. Our problem is that politics and kashruss should never mix
    It is clear that Israel is not kosher to some
    However to cover the hechsher just brings more attention
    Most know the political stance of the Eida
    It might have been an idea to let the hechsher remain and inform the more extreme that it was an error

  8. I am very hesitant to buy a wine with the Eida Chareidis on it. Why because usually the Eida Chareidis hechsher is a sign of an inferior wine that uses the Eida Chareidis to bolster sales.

    For instance, Tepperberg has some good wines with Eida Chareidis but you have to pay two or three times the price of a different equal quality wine with a different hechsher…..

  9. Another Eida-bashing article. YWN again following policy of not actually demeaning the Badatz but simply implying criticism in main article, while publishing in the comments all types of bizyonos to talmidei chachomim which they knew would follow, like the one calling them “reshayim”.
    And of course such an article wouldn’t be complete without the usual interesting people who comment that Bedatz isn’t such a good hechsher.
    Covering the Satmar Rebbe’s and the Brisker Rov’s strong objections to Zionism and the idea of celebrating it is of course beyond the scope of YWN’s tunnel vision. It goes without saying that these objections came from their Torah, and attempting to dismiss it as politics shows a lack of understanding of the breadth of the Torah and how it guides us in everything. As a large number of the Bedatz’s customers are talmidim of these Gedolim zichronom livrocho, it is only natural and correct that their psokim about this be respected.

  10. Most will agree that the “best” hashgachos are chassideshe hasgachos, the gold standard…..there also are some good litvish niche hashgachos but not the same. I don’t agree with luckshun that Eida equates with inferior vintages….there are some good and some bad like any other product line.

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