Report: Significant Progress in Negotiations Between Degel & Shas in Beit Shemesh Elections

Significant progress is reported in talks between Shas and Degel Hatorah in the Beit Shemesh municipal elections.

According to a Kikar Shabbos News report, Degel MK Uri Maklev met in his Knesset office with three Beit Shemesh councilmen, Moshe Muntag, Shmulik Greenberg and Yisrael Silverstein. It appears they finalized a deal ahead of elections, in which Agudas Yisrael will forgo a portion of the city’s education portfolio, which will be given to the Degel candidate.

In addition, Degel will receive significant control of the city’s religious council from the Shas mayor, Moshe Abutbul. Clearly, this means if a deal is finalized, Degel will back the incumbent, Shas Mayor Moshe Abutbul who is running for a third term instead of competing against him by running its own candidate.

The report concludes when the parties involved were asked to comment, they all said efforts towards cooperation in the elections are ongoing.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. Politics as usual here in Beit Shemesh. The politicians divide up the pie, and who cares about the general Hamon Am? An all in the name of so-called “Achdus” and with the haskamos of the “Gedoilim”, who then warn that anyone who doesn’t vote a certain way is jeopardizing his/her Olam Haba.

    I’m sorry, but this just stinks.

    an Israeli Yid

  2. No Torah behavior at all from these politicians. Muntag was lining his pockets with endless bribes and laundering the cash in the gemach he “altruisticly” runs, silverstein pulled the meesley city funding it took to keep the urgent care clinic open during the night. He then threatened the health funds with city retribution until they payed the money instead of his ministery, and took the credit when they submitted to his racketeering.
    But of course, if we dont vote them back in we are the satan incarnate…

  3. Is this progress or regress?

    However for #1,

    ” believe that those who lead and support this group are grossly incorrect – but be very careful how you refer to people. You can disagree with the leaders in question vehemently without resorting to name-calling.”

  4. It is Time for Truth – I’m glad you found my comment on another article so meaningful that you repeat it back to me here.

    You will note, though, that my comment above criticizes the actions of the individuals involved and the typical patterns of Chareidi politics, without resorting to personal attacks – though in this case, given the personal corruption of a large number of Beit Shemesh Chariedi political figures, such personal attacks may well be justified – but that’s just not my style. I’ve seen too much garbage from political “askanim” in Israel to trust that they’re truly acting for the public’s interest. And this is not a new issue either – after all, in the Mi Sheberach said after Yekum Purkan on Shabbos, we ask HKB”H to bless those who are “Osek b’tzarchei tzibur BE’EMUNA” – i.e., there were those who were not acting be’emuna, and the writer of the mi sheberach saw fit to exclude them from this tefila.

    an Israeli Yid

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