Motzei Shabbos News Roundup From Israel

An estimated 90,000 people gathered in Rabin Square in Tel Aviv on Motzei Shabbos to protest the newly minted nation-state law that was passed by the Knesset recently. Most of the protesters were young members of the Druze community who feel that the law qualifies them as second class citizens. The protest lasted for more than three hours. Many Jewish citizens also came out to protest to show their support of the Druze community.

Security forces captured a boat that was on its way from Europe in to the Gaza Strip in an attempt to run the naval blockade enforced by the IDF around the Strip. The boat was boarded and brought to an Israeli port as is set down in international law. Security forces notified those on the boat that they are in violation of the legal blockade and that all humanitarian supplies may be sent to the Gaza Strip via the port in Ashdod and legal checkpoints. The situation ended without any major incidents. The IDF stated that they will continue to protect Israel’s borders and interests from a naval front as well as all others.

Israeli Air Force planes fired warning shots at a group of terrorists who were launching balloon bombs at Israel n Shabbos. No injuries were reported.

a 25-year-old was brought to Ziv Medical Center in Tzefat on Shabbos by Magen David Adom after his arm was blown off when he held an explosive device. The man was in critical condition and was immediately brought into a trauma room for treatment. Doctor were forced to amputate one of his arms completely, and suture numerous internal organs. the man underwent a CT to identify internal injuries. Police are investigating the incident.

United Hatzalah and Magen David Adom treated numerous injured people following a series of car accidents on Motzei Shabbos. On Higway 458 near Kochav Hashachar, a pedestrian was struck by a moving vehicle and killed at the scene. The man was 75-years-old and EMS personnel who responded to the incident were forced to pronounce his death when they found him without any signs of life.

On Highway 10 near Machasia, a woman was struck by a passing vehicle. She was treated at the scene and transported to the hospital in serious condition.  The driver of the vehicle was detained and police opened up an investigation.

Six people were injured in a motor vehicle accident on Highway 35 near Kiryat Gat when an accident occurred between a passenger car and a truck near Melachim Forest. One man in his thirties was seriously wounded, a woman aged 25 was in moderate condition and a nother four people were lightly injured in the accident.

Israel received Double-A credit status from international credit organization S and P, who joined another international credit organization, Moody’s in giving Israel a higher ranking than it received in 2017. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu responded to the newly acquired rating and said: “The decision by S and P joins the similar decision to increase Israel’s credit rating made by Moody’s last month. These decisions reflect the prowess of Israel’s economy and attest to our proper and responsible economic path that we have taken for the betterment of all Israelis.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. Maybe Israel should have something in its nationality law about Bnei Noach who keep the sheva mitzvos and recognize Israel’s right to exist.

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