LAWSUIT FILED: Makor Rishon Newspaper Refused to Advertise Toeiva Parade

The Makor Rishon newspaper refused to place ads from members of the dati leumi community supporting the toeiva community and parade, “HaChadashot” News reported. The newspaper explained that accepting the ad would be conditional to signing an agreement in advance agreeing to compensate the newspaper for damages, meaning to say if subscriptions are lost as a result of the ad. Hence, the refusal was not about ideology, but simply about money.

According to the conditions set forth, persons placing the ad would have to compensate for each subscriber who left the newspaper, in the amount of NIS 960 and VAT per subscriber. The ad was not submitted, because of the “unfair conditions” and the newspaper is now facing a lawsuit for discriminating against the toeiva community.

The announcement was signed by dozens of religious Zionist graduates who protested against the rabbis’ letter against the members of the toeiva community: “We, who grew up on values and love for your neighbor as yourself and a loved one who was created in the Image, today feel the contempt, the exclusion and the irresponsible aggression – the responsibility of many rabbis of the leadership of the religious public, against us and against our brothers and sisters.”

The signatories said: “We wish to deepen and expand the dialogue between us and the world in which we were raised and educated and offer an inviting hand to all those whose teachings are “ways of pleasantness and all paths of peace.” (דרכיה דרכי נועם וכל נתיבותיה שלום)

“Makor Rishon has already published ads from LGBT organizations. It did not object to the publication in this case either, but in consultation with legal advisors, it made this conditional on receiving a document of indemnification for possible damages that would be caused to the paper as a result of the publication.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. Disgaysting gayngsters it’s not enough you destroyed G-D’s world once, you have to do it again? I don’t know how long it will take, but there will eventually be a backlash against your deviant behavior.

  2. Despite all the empty rhetoric about respecting the democratic rights of all parties to have their say, every effort was made to ensure that those who opposed the Pride Parade would be denied those rights. 2500 police, in uniform and out, were patrolling the streets looking to stop anybody who looked like they were not part of the festivities. They very much try to detain anyone simply on their way to the pre-approved gathering site for the counter-protest and hold them until it is too late and the protest has ended.

    In addition, as if by mutual consent, the counter-protests received no coverage by the media; as if by ignoring it, their voices can be silenced, like they were never there and had nothing to say.

    Of the three counter-protests that we know were taking place, only the TOI reported the following: “Not everyone was happy with the march. A small counter-protest led by Orthodox rabbis at Liberty Bell Park demanded a ‘normal country.’ Besides an announcement that the Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem intended to join Liba’s protest, nothing else was heard about it.

    It reminds me of that old saying, “If a tree falls in the forest and there is no one there to hear it, did it make a noise?” And the answer, is, of course, yes. And not just because HKB”H is everywhere and He knows about it, but all of creation is alive and listening and taking note.

    Despite possibly feeling like no real impact was made because we could not stop the parade in its tracks, know that a tremendous impact was made in the world that hears the tree fall when no one else is in the forest.

    Finally found from Srugim…

    Thousands march and hundreds protest

    …hundreds of demonstrators protesting against the parade in the capital.

    …Rabbi Levinstein said during the demonstration: “He strengthens all the brave people who have come here to the reality that anyone who teaches and talks about the family unit is pure and holy and becomes an object and a mockery.” During a demonstration by Jewish power activists and the organization Lahava, police brutality was unleashed, and one of the officers burst into the protest and beat Ben Gvir, who was lightly hurt and damaged his glasses. The rightists were furious at the police’s conduct.

  3. the pervert community will go to all means to pervert the good and proper people of the religious communities since these perverts know that they and G-d are their enemies.

    “You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination.” (Leviticus 18:22)

    “If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them.” (Leviticus 20:13)

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