DOZENS ARRESTED: Peleg Protesters Block Jerusalem Light Rail & Traffic [LARGE PHOTO & VIDEO GALLERY]

Rabbonim in the Peleg Yerushalmi branch of the chareidi litvish community called for a protest on Thursday, 21 Menachem Av, following the arrest of a bochur for failing to report to an IDF induction center.

Hundreds of protesters turned out for the bein hazmanim protest, leading to disruptions in traffic on Sarei Yisrael Street and a number of cross streets in the capital as well as the Jerusalem light rail.

A large police force including border police, regular police and Yassam commando troops were on hand, working to keep the light rail tracks clear, albeit with only partial success, as well as working to clear major intersections. A water cannon was brought in as seen in the attached images, and despite the streams of smelly water directed at protesters blocking intersections, they sat and held their positions for the most part, until pushed away or arrested.

Jerusalem police report over 45 arrests were made as police insisted on preventing protesters from blocking traffic and the light rail. Police intervened to assist the elderly in crossing area streets as protesters were oblivious to anything but their efforts to create disruptions.

In Tzefas, where Peleg protests are also taking place, the entrance to the holy city was closed down by protesters, bringing traffic to a halt.

PHOTO & VIDEO CREDITS: מחאות חרדים הקיצונים / אורי- חדשות בזמן

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

29 Responses

  1. Its official!
    The artscroll gemoro is the preferred sefer to hold while illegally demonstrating in israel.
    Is it any wonder why we are in galus with no end in sight?

  2. It seems that the Peleg have exceptional Siata Dishmaya. They are great in making a Kiddush Hashem!
    It looks like Hashem is with them all the way, they will surly be in the front line, from the first to greet Moshiach in person, when Moshiach comes to redeem us from this long dark Golus .

  3. Hopefully, these protesters will spend shabbos sitting on a concrete floor in jail in their smelly, dirty clothes among the other guests of the state… some point, they need to incur some financial, physical or emotional pain to make them reflect on the financial, physical and emotional pain their protests are imposing on the tzibur who want to get to work, get home or conduct their daily lives.

  4. I doubt the Israeli government will turn to YWN for advice on how to handle this situation, but I have some ideas.

    1 – Those arrested automatically lose their own deferment, and are allowed to be released from the current detention to the custody of the military. Immediate enlistment.

    2 – Part of their mandatory community service until the actual enlistment should be the cleaning of the streets and public areas that they littered during the protests.

    3 – Lifelong ban from receiving any form of government aid or subsidy, including medical coverage. This should include future spouses.

  5. When the Brisker Rav was pressed by Rav Amram Blau about why he doesn’t attend anti-Medinah protests, the Brisker Rav apparently told him that he (R. Blau) is the biggest Zionist because my attending those protests, he shows that he trusts the Zionists with his life

    He did however attend one protest :giyus banos only

  6. Don’t understand these pseudo-frummies.
    They say they’re willing to go to jail to protest going to the army, but when they’re sent to jail they protest.
    They’re willing to risk their lives, but they put plastic garbage bags on their hats so their hats won’t get ruined.
    They claim they want to only learn Torah, but have oodles of time to goof off on the streets.
    They say their demonstrations are serious, but they all seem to be smiling having a jolly time.

  7. There are different groups that are protesting the parade in yerushalim the tzad hashava all are tzyoni (strongly Zionist) where is the Edah, Peleg, Ger, Belz, Mir, Shas, branches of Brisk etc?

    every israeli is noticing
    Peleg can shut down the city for this?!

  8. Unless HKB”H intervenes, the Jerusalem Pride March will take place, God forbid! August 2, 2018.

    “Particularly in Jerusalem, there’s a big significance to G## Pride events. Especially if we want an equal and pluralistic city,”.

  9. @The little I know, are for real????? are you jewish?????????? religious?????????????? if you are not joking then hashem should have rachmonus on on you and @Gadolhadorah and @Genya and all the genuinely mixed up people (i mean if they have something against chareidim marching for kovod shamaying, and not LGBT marching in support of toeiva theres probably something wrong)

  10. Just a little warning to those bachurim who are out there protesting.
    I was speaking to shadchan friend of mine in israel, and he mentioned to me about 2 very recent prespective shidduchim about to become engaged. But sadly were broken when the parents of the girls found out about those boys involved with hafganos.
    One was an american boy and one was an american israeli boy.
    Bachrim! Dont blow your future!

  11. IUseBrains
    August 2, 2018 11:14 am at 11:14 am
    Peleg, keep it up, fight for the eibershter!!!!
    What you probably meant to say is “Fight the eibershter”
    Not for the eibershter.
    Keep it up till karma hits u hard, when u least expect it.

  12. Not sure 80+ photos are enough, especially since most of them are very similar. There ought to be at least 200 photos.


    This stupid kangaroo government decides when to enforce the law BRUTALITY and when to let people (handicap protest) do what they want.

    They are out to harass the religious at any opportunity, including a mother who drops a little snack in a park.

  14. Takes2-2tango,

    “Keep it up till karma hits u hard, when u least expect it.”

    What is that supposed to mean, the government is led my people who dont keep the Torah, and EY is supposed to be a Torah state!

  15. Just a little encouragment to those bachurim who are out there protesting.
    Takes2-2tango was speaking to shadchan friend of his in israel, and he mentioned to him about 2 very recent prespective shidduchim about to become engaged. But sadly were broken when the parents of the girls found out about those boys involved with hafganos.
    One was an american boy and one was an american israeli boy.
    Bachrim! Dont blow your future! marry girls whos parents supports hafganos!!!!!!!

  16. @aml, you are very lucky bec. most chareidi bochrim who serve dont come out chariedy R”L. the others who are fortunate enough to get into nachal chareidy “only” have a yeridah . these are facts, real numbers, no one can deny this. you might have been willing to take the bet with your son, but i, (and almost every chareidy parent) would never compromise my precious child’s ruchnius. stop making valid arguments inavalid.

  17. Who’s are they trying to kid ?
    making these kind of hafganos is fun.
    Making real hafganos e.g. opposing the ‘parade’, too much of an inconvenience

  18. Not sure if my comment went through (YWN sorry for the possible duplicate)

    on the day of the parade these rishayim gimorim are protesting the army?

    they could have done the same action and possibly done the biggest mitvah in the past 2,000 years, and they picked the to fight the army?

    This action might have made a bigger kitrug on klal yisrol than the parade itself. It shows we don’t care about Gd and his torah. God is crying over the annual churban yerushalyim and they are protesting not the parade but their freedom from the army?

    God may also punish these rishoyim midah kineged midah and force them to serve in the army, they already declared publicly with this protest “ain lanu cheleck bieloki yisroeil” , God will say if you don’t want to serve in my army (by fighting the parade), then you will serve in the army you don’t want to and are protesting against instead of joining my army.

  19. Kina al pilegesh b’giv’ah, vilo kinu al pesel micha?!
    (Medrash tanchuma)
    for the other demonstration that should have been

    Furthermore, G-d gave us mitzvot which forbid the mixing of seed; cross-breeding of animals; grafting of fruit trees; mixing of linen and wool, etc. One of the mitzvot special to women involves the separation of challah from the rest of the dough. It is set apart for the Cohanim and Leviim because they also are set apart within Am Yisrael.

    Modern thought deplores such circumstances. Its goal is the complete assimilation of all differences between people and nations.

  20. This is all a bunch of nonsense. It has nothing to do with going to the army, but has to do with whether or not there is a recognition of the government of Israel. All they ask is to sign a paper that says you are learning full time and you receive an automatic deferment. They will even bring the paper to the Yeshivos. Far more time is spent with these these protests not of course mentioning the disruption of other peoples day to day lives than it would to sign a piece of paper. So if you dont recognize the government of Israel whom do they prefer – Hamas, Palestinian authority, maybe the Iranians. See how well protests would go under these regimes when they draft yeshiva guys to the army.

  21. >IUseBrains August 2, 2018 12:31 pm at 12:31 pm

    “R Shmuel Orbach, was greater than any of you and he said to do this, so anyone who is against peleg is talking nonsense”

    R Shmuel Orbach (as you spell his name) is not alive. He couldn’t possibly have said to do “this”. Perhaps (according to some) he said something similar in the past, but now is now, and no way did he say to do “this”. By your argument one should eat chicken with milk because there were those in the Mishna who said so. But again, then was then and now is now. But more to the point, every individual violation of anyone else’s rights requires a brand new determination – the idea that because I was allowed to violate someone else’s rights yesterday I can violate them today is not a true argument in any manner.

  22. to straiten our distorted things:
    @it is time for truth (-these hafganos are fun), the facts and the photos prove otherwise. @divri hayamim, A) it seems you mixed up the protesters and the police (rishaim gomorim???), B) the protest was fist organized for the parade (as reported on YWN) and then later that night when a bocher was arrested they called to protest about that also (as reported on YWN). C) you seem a little mixed up when you say they are “protesting for their freedom from the army” and also say they”don’t care about Gd and his torah”. To clear things up the only thing litvish rabbonim have against bochurim going to the army is bec. a bochur should be learning in yeshiva and going to the army is bitul torah and bec. of the many ruchniusdik pitfalls involved. This is lshem shamayim that bochurim must learn torah and not compromise their yiddishkeit NOT ABOUT PERSONAL FREEDOM. many of the protesters are anyway exempt. They are protesting to defend hashem and his torah, from the dangers of the parade and the dangers of the draft. you said “God is crying over the annual churban yerushalyim and they are just protesting about (correction) hashem and his torah”. well let me tell you a little secret, the gemara sais that after the churban איו להקדוש ברוך הו בעולמו אלא בד` עמות של הלכא all hakadosh baruch hu has is the Torah, and you are slamming them for making a protest deffending it????? besides for the fact they were all also protesting toeiva.
    @ it is a time for truth, they were protesting both so i dont know whats yout issue.
    @rkefrat, you are mixing up satmer with peleg. peleg is protesting the draft and the parade NOT THE ISRAELI GOVERMENT.

  23. A. you do know that 2 sides can be rishayim gimurim
    B1. a sign hanging from measharim doesn’t make it peleg
    B2. Even if it was only a rash gamur would cancel it for the army
    B3. not that this is a proof but it is certainly an indicator
    C. that is a bunch of garbage, that is their excuse, the only reason THESE rishayim don’t want to go to the army is selfish reasons, The simple proof is that the parade is the biggest avlah of the day, and they screamed loud and clear by protesting something else, WE DON’T CARE ABOUT GOD, HIS TORAH, OR HIS CITY!

    If I had control of the yeshiva deferments process, the only way anyone would get a deferment is if they proved they were in God’s army (by fighting the parade). And these rishayim picked the wrong army. If they are not in God’s army why should I care if they are drafted by the zionisits, their torah worth just as much as the guilty Sotahs who has her punishment defered in the “zchus” of her “torah” in order to get her final “reward”

    If they were against bitul torah they would have stayed in the yeshiva, and when the torah is burning you are patur from talmud torah.

    I wonder what you would think of one of the best “talmidim” in kamanitz who was caught writing over r Baruch Ber’s shiurim on shabbos?

    I guess chilul shabbos is also justified by ” איו להקדוש ברוך הו בעולמו אלא בד` עמות של הלכא”
    If chilul shabbos isn’t certainly not a chilul hashem bifnay asarah

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