Peleg Calls To Protest After Yeshiva Bochur Arrested For Failing To Report To IDF Induction Center

Authorities have arrested another talmid yeshiva for failing to report to an IDF induction center as required by law. The talmid is affiliated with the Peleg Yerushalmi. As a result, the Peleg rabbonim have announced protests will take place today, Thursday, 21 Menachem Av, in various cities around Israel.

The Peleg announcement reads: “Because of the criminal arrest of talmid yeshiva Eitan Radah, who was jailed for refusing to appear at the recruitment offices as part of the struggle against the draft, rabbonim have ordered that huge protests be declared in the streets of cities.

The Peleg will gather at 12:30PM for mass protests in the following cities:

In Jerusalem – at the corner of Sarei Yisrael – Jaffa Streets.

In Tzefas – at Tzefas Junction”

The Vaad Hatzolas Olam HaTorah adds: “The chareidi tzibur understands more than ever that the goals and quotas set out in the recent draconian recruitment laws are a terrible decree of destruction aimed at destroying and weakening the chareidi tzibur.

“All of us – our youth and our elders – will go out to the streets of the city, and we will continue to express our protest and cry against the incessant attempts by a number of chareidi MKs to close their hearts to the horrific spiritual holocaust from every street corner.

“In addition, we will pay homage to those young yeshiva students who carry on their backs the stubborn struggle against the enlistment decree – while they are willing to sacrifice their freedom for the cause and cry out against the perpetrators of the cursed reforms until the complete cessation of trade in souls and compromise, at the expense of lomdei Torah.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. I thought that when a female is arrested by the police they have a female officers to take hold of the demonstrator.
    They make special precautions that they won’t have a male officer grab her, and cause offense.
    Yet, we see from the picture that they make the arrest more henious by having a female officer assist in the arrest.
    One can easily see that these arrests, and the whole forced recruitment enterprise, is a means to try and break the will of the chareidi tzibur.
    Although I do not agree with violent means that are sometimes used by this hareidi faction and especially the denigration of soldiers,to whom much is owed, I can see why this group is so strong in their opposition.
    I only wish that the other chareidi groups will open their eyes and see how the Likud is using them and tricking them.
    They should all join to present a united front, along with those dati leumi who believe in the supreme value of Torah study.

  2. Time the government take off it’s silk gloves when handling these hoodlums and criminals and TRAITOROUS gangsters ,and start cracking some heads and giving long prison sentences. and maybe close down those so called yeshiva’s who have spawned these miscreants.

  3. @chugibugi, its amazing to even think that someone logged in on YWN would be calling for the arrests of innocent yeshivah bochurim, trying to defend themselves from not going to the IDF. @chugibugi calls them criminals, but its not like they are making protests, obstructing highways, vandalizing and throwing beer bottles, they are just sitting and learning torah (which is the only real defense) not wanting to report to the induction center because of the danger over there as paskened by r shmuel Aurbach ZTZ”L they may be criminals to the zionist state, but they are friends of hashem. @chugibugis rhetoric sounds like the yevonim, close down the yeshivos etc. and those who remain steadfast in yiddishkeit; crack their heads. i wonder if youll be attending the toeiva parade today.

  4. Chugi: a few weeks ago, the Chief of Staff admitted in the presence of the Israeli media that about 50% of conscriptable youth do not serve. Do you consider all of them to be “hoodlums, criminals and traitorous gangsters” who deserve to have their heads cracked (r”l)?

  5. These rashaim are doing the will of the Satan. Their punishment in this world pales before the punishment that will be meted out to them in the Olam HaEmes.

  6. Redneck the will of the satan is to fight against drafting into the idf, correct and the will of hashem is to go willingly to be drafted into the idf, off the derech did i get it right

  7. on the day of the parade these rishayim gimorim are protesting the army?

    they could have done the same action and possibly done the biggest mitvah in the past 2,000 years, and they picked the to fight the army?

    This action might have made a bigger kitrug on klal yisrol than the parade itself. It shows we don’t care about Gd and his torah. God is crying over the annual churban yerushalyim and they are protesting not the parade but their freedom from the army?

    God may also punish these rishoyim midah kineged midah and force them to serve in the army, they already declared publicly with this protest “ain lanu cheleck bieloki yisroeil” , God will say if you don’t want to serve in my army (by fighting the parade), then you will serve in the army you don’t want to and are protesting against instead of joining my army.

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