IS THIS A FIRST? Hasidic School In Monsey Celebrates Israel And Aliyah; Amb. Dayan Responds [PHOTOS]

In one of the Hasidic Yiddish-speaking Cheders in Monsey, NY a farewell (goodbye) party was held by fellow classmates and the principal for a 10 year-old the day before he made Aliyah with his family. The event even caught the attention of Israel’s Ambassador Danny Dayan.

The General Studies Principal Rabbi Moshe Klein said in a statement:

“The idea came from the students themselves who decided to throw a good bye party to their friend.”

One child brought a blue & white cake another brought Israeli Hummus and so on.

The school has a unique geography program where every child is an “Ambassador” and represents a country. The Israeli representative gave the boy an Israeli flag pin, while the Saudi Ambassador gave that boy a cake where it said in Hebrew “and you should inherit the land” and said a blessing in Arabic saying there should be peace in the region.

It got media attention from senior Israeli officials:

Ambassador Danny Dayan tweeted: In the Yiddish-speaking Hasidic heider “Imrei Shefer” the students and the principal – my good friend Moishe Klein – bid farewell to one of the children that made Aliyah to Jerusalem. Moving and not obvious.

Former Yesh Atid MK Dov Lipman, a leading Aliyah activist posted on FB:

“Wow! A Hasidic Yiddish-speaking cheider in New York called Imrei Shufer made a goodbye party to celebrate with a young boy a few hours before he and his family left for the airport to make Aliyah. I am so impressed with the courageous principal Moshe Klein who has made teaching about Israel a priority and demonstrated the happiness that all Jews should feel when fellow Jews make the move back home.”

It should be added Eretz Yisroel and the State of Israel play a huge role in the school. The children learn Tanach and the maps of Yehuda and Shomron can be found on the walls. Imrei Shefer also has an advanced general studies program. Rabbi Klein said that “we are proud our school. It the place where Ramaz and Satmar meet under one roof.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

12 Responses

  1. The Chassidus of the Tziyoner Rebbe……..hopefully, there are more independent-minded rabbonim and askanim in Monsey and elsewhere who can evolve in their thinking about the realities of EY and zman moishiach. Yidden can agree to disagree on how to think about moishiach and the admonitions about not having a medinah prior to the time of the geulah but should nonetheless wish much hatzlacha to those who choose to make aliyah.

  2. Whatever ones views are it looks like a kidushHashem
    If there could be more ahavas yisroel and others views tolerated we would have much less anti semitism in the world

  3. The cake is hardly the blue and white you want to imply.
    It is a globe with blue for the ocean…
    And white for the airplane…
    That is not the blue and white meant for the colors state of israel stands for.

    None the less, it is surprising that a chasidisha cheder would put up such hype

  4. they should be teaching their kids to be patriotic Americans, not dual loyalty to the commie country occupying the holy land of our faith tradition.

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