Prosecution Moves Ahead Against Person Who Attacked Beit Shemesh Mayor Abutbul

The Police Prosecution Unit on Wednesday, 20 Menachem Av, filed a request for detention without bail and an indictment against the suspect who attacked Beit Shemesh Mayor Moshe Abutbul this week. The mayor was hit with beer and ice cream. The case is viewed with particular severity, because a public official was targeted. Abutbul called on police to use the full weight of the law against his attacker.

Following a quick and focused investigation by the police, the Police Prosecution Unit moved ahead, and charges will include assaulting a public servant, carrying a knife without cause, and interfering with police.

As reported, when arrested, the suspect was in possession of pepper spray and a knife.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

9 Responses

  1. if that knife in the picture is supposed to be a dangerous weapon? I think they are trying to trump up charges against some one….

    OK, don’t throw eggs or ice cream and give him a fine but making up charges???

  2. so now that its clear that it was just one person not any group tied to any factions, will YWN apologize to the so called chareidy extremists who had nothing to to with this? it looks like YWN is actively trying to smear the name of frum yidden to quote “the extremists among the chareidi tzibur in Beit Shemesh know no boundaries”. but where are those extremists??? how do you he deosnt have anything personal against the mayor? how do you know he wasnt the same guy who attacked rav shteinman (I.E. mentally deranged)?? if i would have done the same, saying im a guy from shas, deos that make sephardim bad?

  3. Catch & prosecute the fanatics who attack our youth. Oh but wait… Abutbol AGREES with those attacks, he has said the victims provoke them by actually daring to be in “frum” areas.

    Can’t someone find a decent, honest, fair-minded person to run against him, one who cares not about Shas but about EVERYONE??

  4. luckshun kugel
    I live in Bet shemesh, and I was at that concert and saw the whole thing…. the guy was from the extremists and we all know who he is …. he was distracting the mayor with throwing ice cream while reaching for the knife when he was about to be jumped on … that little knife can do a lot of damage ! He should be punished to the full extent of the law … he is no different than any Arab …

  5. Her name is Aliza Bloch, and she is running against everything bad that has bismirched beit shemesh during abuttballs reighn of busha.

  6. @satmer101, if thats really true why would he have to distract him, let him just jump out of the crowd with a knife and do damage, what does ice cream and beer do (other than neutralize the attackers hands)? honestly your story does not make sense and frankly i dont believe you live in beit shemesh.

  7. daass torah
    August 2, 2018 10:33 am at 10:33 am
    @satmer101, if thats really true why would he have to distract him, let him just jump out of the crowd with a knife and do damage, what does ice cream and beer do (other than neutralize the attackers hands)? honestly your story does not make sense and frankly i dont believe you live in beit shemesh.
    Obviously your dass torah is not so “dass”
    Go out and do something constructive for a change.

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