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Elad Mayor Porush: Degel Hatorah Offered me the Beit Shemesh Mayoral Post

Elad Mayor Yisrael Porush, who is currently negotiating with Degel Hatorah, which is interested in putting up its own candidate for mayor, reveals the proposal put forward by Degel Hatorah leaders in return for the leadership in the city of Elad.

At the symposium of Yeshivas Gil held on Tuesday night in Migdal HaEmek, with the participation of MK (Shas) Michael Malchieli, Jerusalem Deputy Mayor (Degel Hatorah) Yitzhak Pindrus and Mayor Yisrael Porush (Shlomei Emunim), and with Abba Turetsky as emcee, Porush revealed that he had received an official proposal from the heads of a Degel to transfer his address to the city of Beit Shemesh. “I might cause an earthquake, but it is no longer relevant” Porush is quoted saying.

According to the Kikar Shabbos report, quoting Porush, he stated, “I received an offer from the leaders of Degel Hatorah to come to Beit Shemesh. 48 hours did not pass before HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky ordered Rabbi Moshe Abutbul to be mayor of the Ashkenazi city of Beit Shemesh. Hence, it is no longer relevant.”

MK Malchieli responded to Porush’s statement: “The fact that there is a demand from Shas to come and intervene in Elad is not someone’s invention from above, it’s a call from people below, the residents of Elad. Malchieli added, “The fact that you stole a council member is something that no one in the chareidi public has ever done…”

Malchieli explained to the panel that the chareidi parties are expending a great deal of effort regarding municipal, elections, suggesting the establishment of a rabbonim council which would make the necessary decisions vis-à-vis the local elections. He feels Shas should take the cities relevant to the party, as is the case with Shlomei Emunim and Degel Hatorah. Stressing that the opinions expressed are his alone, Michaeli feels there are cities in which chareidim represent the majority, such as Bnei Brak, Rechasim, Elad, and Beit Shemesh, and the time has come to establish a rabbinical council with representatives of Degel, Agudah and Shas, to direct the various agreements and rotation arrangements.

He concluded too much time and energy were being expended on machlokes between the chareidi parties.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. Just like degel “hatorah” to throw a city of 100,000 thousand people under the bus to satisfy the political aspirations of a rebel chareidi askan.
    Thanks, “mouthpieces of the gedolim”

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