US Amb. Friedman Slams Abbas After He Gets Condemned For Being Menachem Avel Family of Terror Victim

US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman earlier this week visited the family of terror victim Yotam Ovadia HY”D, who was murdered by and Arab terrorist in his home community of Yishuv Adam, on erev Shabbos.

Unlike in previous administrations, which befriended the PA (Palestine Authority), in which a US Ambassador to Israel would not dare to visit a mourning Jewish family in the “West Bank”, Ambassador Friedman was menachem aveil, conveying his respects and carrying a message in the name of US President Donald Trump.

After the visit, PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) condemned Ambassador Friedman. However, rather than let the condemnatory remarks pass, US Special Mideast Envoy Jason Greenblatt responded, tweeting “The PA chose not to condemn the heinous murder of Yotam Ovadia, but instead condemned Ambassador Friedman for conveying President Trump’s condolences and trying to bring comfort to Yotam’s widow, orphans and parents whose only son was murdered in cold blood by a terrorist”.

“Ambassador Friedman’s visit was not about politics. As my dear friend and colleague Ambassador Friedman said, ‘Nothing more to say!’”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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