MK Sapir Calls on AG to Launch Investigation Against Bentzion Gupstein for “Incitement to Murder”

MK (Machane Tzioni) Stav Shafir is calling on Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit to launch a criminal investigation against Bentzion Gupstein, who heads the Lehava organization, alleging he violated laws prohibiting incitement to violence and murder.

Shafir on Tuesday filed an urgent request with the attorney general to immediately order an investigation into Gupstein for his statements, which she feels constitute a violation of the law.

In his video, Gupstein refers to the toeiva community as a “Terrorist organization”, an organization that does not tolerate anyone with an opinion other than their own, and the toeiva community is calling for state funding for their perverse lifestyle.

Gupstein sites that on Tisha B’Av, the toeiva community “used terror tactics” against any organization that would not permit its workers to participate in their marches, held on that day of mourning.

He explains how the toeiva community wants state funding for woman to carry a fetus and then turn the baby over to a toeiva couple to raise R”L because two men cannot bring a child into the world as a normal Jewish family can. Gupstein calls the upcoming Toeiva Parade in Yerushalayim on Thursday, 21 Menachem Av “A provocation”.

He adds, “Unfortunately, we cannot stop the parade, a provocation, an abomination against us and HKBH”, citing organizers are working hard to attract thousands from Israel and around the world R”L.

Lehava is holding a protest against the parade at 4:00PM on Thursday, near the Begin Center in proximity to Liberty Bell Park under the banner “Jerusalem is not Sodom”. Gupstein adds the protest is legal and has been authorized by police.

Gupstein told Arutz 7 in response, “I suggest that Stav learn about the importance of democracy and the importance of freedom of expression in a democratic country. The demonstration will take place on Thursday in front of the parade. I congratulate Rabbi Levinstein on his call to attend the demonstration.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. There are different groups that are protesting the parade in yerushalim the tzad hashava all are tzyoni (Liba, Lehava) where is the Edah, Peleg, Ger, Belz, Mir, I’ll even accept neturai karta etc?

    If anyone in Yerushalim sees this I beg you to protest this bizayon.

    If 200,000 gays can come together in tel aviv, we should have 600,000 jews fighting against it in the ir hakodesh.

    The achdus to fight a milchemes hashem might just likely bring mashiach.

  2. We need organized protests by the mainstream yidden, like Agudah or the Eidah. Just sending people to scream fooo and gevald won’t help against these gayngsters.

  3. If Stav Shafir is so concerned about what people say, how about what (as example) Arab MKs have been saying against the entire country calling for the entire country’s elimination?

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