Rav Shlomo Amar To Netanyahu: If You Protect The Kosel & Shabbos, Hashem WIll Protect You From Your Enemies

Sephardi Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem,HaRav Shlomo Amar sent an open message to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanahu on Tuesday asking him to protect the Kosel from Reform worshippers. Rabbi Amar called the worshippers “people who come to grind up and trampel the courtyard of G-d.” He also asked Netanyahu to safeguard the sanctity of Shabbos in Israel and said that these two things will save him from his enemies.

During a shiur that he was giving in Jerusalem, Rabbi Amar said: “No one can truly understand this, no sage in Israel can explain it properly I told them. I also told the Prime Minister, that if they had come and said that they were Christians, or a sect from India, then by all means let them pray. But they are Jews! If they weren’t Jews then their desecration wouldn’t hurt us. But they claim that what they are doing is what it is written in the Torah. It is a distortion and fabrication, and they are uprooting the Torah itself. At least those G-d fearing Jews who sit in the Knesset and in other locations will fight back.”

Rabbi Amar made reference to the recent challenges faced by the Prime Minister: “What is this? People fight the Prime Minister on every move he makes. I say to him: Protect G-d’s holy place and the Shabbos and G-d will protect you from those who chase you. He (Netanyahu) is doing very good things, and it would be sad if he would fail in the little things because he wants to pacify them (the Reform protesters). He should not fear them.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. He’s is protesting women of the wall and not the parade???

    both acts of mirida but the parade is mirida on steroids.

    protesting women of the wall but not the parade, is like asking a healthy person to shlug kaparus but telling them they can eat on yom kippur.

    talmid chacham shein … yoser mehin

  2. people who come to grind up and trample the courtyard of G-d רמוס חצרי was in הפטרת חזון two weeks ago, so this should have been in his Shiur 2 weeks ago; or was it cancelled 2 weeks ago, because it was תשעה ב”אב nite.

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