HaGaon HaRav Edelstein: Bein Hazmanim is More Dangerous Because Less Torah is Being Learned

A group of Roshei Yeshivos arrived at the home of HaGaon HaRav Gershon Edelstein in Bnei Brak to receive instruction for talmidei yeshivos during bein hazmanim.

The roshei yeshiva came to hear from the Rosh Yeshiva the appropriate guidance for Yeshiva Bochrim during bein hazmanim and to get rules and guidelines for shaping talmidei yeshivos, participants of camp, which will open this weekend at the Kerem B’Yavneh campus with the participant of roshei yeshivos.

During the consultation, the Rosh Yeshiva was presented with the spiritual program of the camp, founded by Mashgichim HaGaon HaRav Dov Yaffa ZATZAL and the HaGaon HaRav Shmuel Yaakov Borenstein ZATZAL.

According to the Tuesday morning 19 Menachem Av edition of Yated Neeman, in response to the question of what Bochrim should learn, the Rosh Yeshiva replied that “the Gemara says, ‘כי אם בתורת ה’ חפצו’, it is necessary to learn according to his will and nature, because it attracts him and makes his desire to learn”.

Rav Edelstein is also quoted saying, “Even during the year there are no rules pertaining to this, and each talmid in accordance to his nature. There are talmidim who learn shas and know it. There are those in shiur aleph who completed shas and there are those who very much enjoy this”.

The Rosh Yeshiva was also asked about talmidim wishing to learn the entire bein hazmanim, and if they should be told to take a break as well.

Rav Edelstein said, “Certainly those who will not become weaker and have the koach to learn, they should but they should also learn something new and interesting to ‘air themselves out’”.

During their discussion, the rabbonim asked regarding a letter written by a Gedolei Hador of a previous generation, calling to learn a minimum of four hours daily – asking how to act today. Rav Edelstein responded, explaining this is the minimum for those who find it difficult to learn more, but if this is not the case, they should learn more.

When asked what should be done to be mechazeik the talmidim, Rav Edelstein explained the bnei yeshivos’ provide merit for all of Klall Yisrael, adding bein hazmanim is a dangerous period which contains more tragedies since there is less limud Torah, and it must be reminded that limud Torah is what protects the world.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem / Photo Credit: BeChadrei Charedim)

4 Responses

  1. bein ha’zemanim is also more dangerous since people go on hikes and rides that they are unfamiliar with and some are inherently risky. since we witness that those for whom this isn’t bein ha’zemanim are not at greater risk, this is a more likely answer.

  2. And more dangerous because they have more time on thier hands.
    If your not occupied ,u get into trouble. Its a simple fact!

  3. perhaps that bein hazemanim one can volunteer for chesed projects instead of going to places of danger.

    why do certain rabbis travel outside of Israel for vacation; i go to Israel

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