Balloon Bombs Land Beersheva and Jerusalem

The bomb squad was summoned to Ringelbloom Street in Beersheva, after someone detected what was feared to be a balloon bomb, like the ones sent over the Gaza border daily into southern Israel. It was the first case reported in Beersheva, the capital of the Negev.

Police arrived and closed the area down and the bomb squad dealt with the balloon. Police add that in most cases, the device attached to such balloons is indeed an explosive device and people should phone police and not attempt to examine it on their own. Police stress the high-risk associated with these balloons, instructing citizens to remain far away.

A week and a half ago, a balloon bomb was found in Jerusalem’s Gilo neighborhood, and it soon became clear that it had been launched from the nearby PA (Palestine Authority) city of Beit Jala.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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