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Most Israeli Feel a Bicycle Helmet is Necessary, but How Many Wear One?

Half of the residents of Central Israel do not wear a bicycle helmet, many of them “do not feel a danger riding”.

About half of the riders in Tel Aviv and the center of the Country ride without a helmet, while more than 80% of respondents in all regions believe that wearing a helmet should be required by law for all riders, according to the Ohr Yarok survey.

43% of respondents from Haifa and the North usually ride a bike without a helmet. 83% think that all riders should be required to ride with a helmet.

17% of respondents from the Sharon region ride a bike without a helmet. 90% think that all riders must ride with a helmet.

48% of respondents from Tel Aviv and Central Israel usually ride a bicycle without a helmet. 85% think that all riders must ride with a helmet.

29% of respondents from the Jerusalem area usually ride a bicycle without a helmet. 82% think that all riders should be required to ride with a helmet.

37% of respondents from Beersheva and the south ride a bike without a helmet. 84% think that all riders must ride with a helmet.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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