Degel Hatorah Still Contemplating A Litvish Candidate In Jerusalem Mayoral Race

While the secretariat of Agudas Yisroel is set to meet on Tuesday evening, 12 Menachem Av, at which time officials are expected to approve the candidacy of Yossi Deutsch, who wishes to enter the Jerusalem mayoral race, Degel Hatorah, the litvish chareidi faction, is still weighing the possibility of announcing its own candidate in the race, rather than uniting behind Deutsch. In fact, Degel is weighing its own candidate in other chareidi municipalities and cities, including Elad and Beit Shemesh, rather than uniting behind already announced chareidi candidates.

Degel officials feel they have many qualified persons, and some simply do not see the merit in backing a candidate already in the race and who represents the chareidi tzibur. They add they should be divided 50/50 with the chassidish faction; Agudas Yisrael, and therefore they question why they should automatically pass on the mayoral race in Jerusalem.

Degel officials are set to convene on Wednesday as well, at which time the matter will be discussed.

Kikar Shabbos News adds that Degel Hatorah MK Uri Maklev met with Chacham HaGaon HaRav Shlomo Cohen Shlita, head of the Moetzas Gedolei Torah of Shas, discussing the matter of a chareidi candidate at length vis-à-vis the mayoral race in the capital.

In the chassidish camp, they feel that Yossi Deutsch, who has already signaled his intentions to run, is a most suited candidate and he will represent the chareidi tzibur in the Jerusalem race.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Imagine if degel had named a candidate and Agidas yisrael didn’t, then they would contemplate putting their own candidate, I bet you all the commenters here would jump out of their skin and screaming “where’s the achdus?” or “why can’t we get along?” BALONY

  2. Putin,

    Go check unfortunately Agudah’s record vs. Degel or even their own shlomei Emunim
    Bnei brak (twice at least)
    And for what ? a couple shekel?Revenge?
    ’nuff said

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