Modi’in Illit Declared a City

Modi’in Illit, considered the third largest Torah center in the country, was officially designated a city after Interior Minister Meir Shetreet approved a recommendation by Central Command Head Gen. Gadi Shamni to make the local council into a municipality. Rabbi Yaakov Guterman, until recently head of the local council and now mayor, noted Modi’in Illit had already been functioning as a city before the change. “The city’s merit lies in the talmidei chachomim and the Torah and Chassidus institutions that grace it,” he said.

The decision followed years of deliberations by a special committee and in-depth inquiries into Modi’in Illit’s development and management.

The recent move follows a similar decision by Defense Minister Ehud Barak to declare Modi’in Illit a city. In a written reply to a question by Minister Shetreet, Barak wrote that he supports declaring it a city. The message was clear: all of the recent talk about a construction freeze does not apply to Modi’in Illit.

(By A. Cohen for Dei’ah veDibur)

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