Gedolei Hador: Don’t Host Non-Religious Speakers In Camps

Gedolei Yisrael including HaGaon HaRav Gershon Edelstein Shlita, who heads the Moetzas Gedolei HaTorah of Degel Hatorah, sent a letter to roshei yeshiva addressing bein hazmanim, calling on the tzibur not to violate the prohibition of traveling abroad, with the exception of conditions set forth by Chazal. In the letter published by chadrei chareidim, they warn those who travel abroad without their families face a major challenge, and most R”L suffer a spiritual decline.

In addition, travel abroad may jeopardize one’s status a ben yeshiva vis-à-vis IDF authorities and this too must be taken into consideration as sometimes, the damage is irreversible.

Regarding camps organized by bnei yeshivos, one must take care not to bring persons who are not frum to speak to campers.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. The article references a prohibition by chazal on “international travel” without one’s family. Could someone explain the inyan of this prohibition, what is defined as “international” travel and how does it apply in practical terms in the modern era. Many of us have travelled and will have to do so in the future for business, where taking one’s family is generally not an option. Does this prohibit travel to EY from the U.S. or vice versa on vacation or to visit family? We read frequently about chashuvah rabbonim travelling overseas for “vacation” or to visit their mosdos. What rules govern such travel?

  2. After reading this, you can give comments. My view is that if YWN wanted to post this letter, they should translate it and not give their “peirush” on what it says.

    Here is a loose translation of the above letter.

    To Rosh Yeshivot,
    Hello and much blessings until no end.
    Since bein hazmanim is coming, the students should guard their ways very much and perform kiddushei hashem in all of their goings and comings, and just like talmidei chachamim are recognized by their wisdom and knowledge it also obligated on them to be recognized by their speech and specifically modest clothing in any (as stated by the Rambam in Hilchos Deos 5:1) place they go.
    Also those that leave their home in bein hazmanim, they should be very careful to not transgress the issur of leaving eretz yisrael except for the cases that chazal permit, and anyone that transgresses what chazal forbid is a very serious transgression as can be seen in Sefer Shaarei Teshuva, chapter 3.
    And there is no need to say how strict the matter for those that travel to chutz laaretz alone, without a family framework and experience, and staying extra in chutz laartez, causes a very great decline in spiritual level (ruchnius), HAshem should have mercy on us, and an aveira leads to another aveira, and it is on the roshei yeshivas shlita to stand aggressively on this.
    There is another matter with students of yeshiva regarding army matters and they may not be able to fix this in the future, G-d forbid.
    Also regarding camping and other organizations catering to our precious yeshiva bochurim, one should be careful not to bring in front of the bochurim, men that are not from the camp of those that fear Hashem, in regard to matters of the world and kal vchomer thought and politics.
    And it is known, through the merit of being immersed in Torah that brings good life and wealth to all those that are immersed in Torah and this is also a shield for the Nation of Israel, and through the merit of the bnei yeshivos guarding their purity we will merit to see gedolim in Torah and Yiras Shomayim.

  3. GH- The gemara says that one who lives in EY may not leave, aside from some specific circumstances. The RY is cautioning those whose travel falls under one of the heterim to do so with his family for fear of spiritual tests.

    One has to admit (myself included) that if one has to travel abroad, be it for business or alike, one faces major RUCHNIUOS challenges, therefore I usually try & get my better half to hop along, or otherwise a friend, I do appreciate that not always is it an option, so I always pray that I should be able to be MEKAYEM ולא תתורו אחרי לבבכם,
    Good luck

  5. Travelling for business or learning or marriage or health concerns are all permitted. The Mishna Berura 531:14 permits going to see a friend or a wedding as well. What is prohibited is going for a pleasure trip, a sightseeing tour.

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