ISSUR KARES: Rishon L’Tzion Calls On MKs And Cabinet Ministers To Refrain From Visiting Har Habayis

Rishon L’Tzion HaGaon HaRav Yitzchak Yosef has turned to Members of Knesset and cabinet ministers, asking them to refrain from visiting Har Habayis despite the decision by Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to remove the ban prohibiting them from doing so.

Rav Yosef said, “I call on MKs and ministers, religious and non-religious: You should hear the voice of the Chief Rabbinate and Gedolei Hador, including the Chief Rabbis of the previous generations, including Rav Kook, all of whom strictly forbade entrance to all areas of Har Habayis.”

Rabbi Yosef then listed rabbonim who forbade visiting Har Habayis including: Rav Avraham Kook, Rav Uziel, Rav Meir, Rav Nissim, Rav Ovadia Yosef, Rav Mordechai Eliyahu, Rav Bakshi-Doron, Rav Amar, Rav Herzog, Rav Unterman, Rav Shapira, Rav Lau, Rav Mashash, Rav Zolty, Rav Goldsmid, Rav Yisraeli, Rav Elyashiv, Rav Auerbach, Rav Shach, Rav Kanievsky, Rav Zavin, Rav Feinstein, Rav Abramsky, Rav Avraham Kook, Rav Waldenberg, Rav Atiya, Rav Hadaya, Baba Sali and many more.”

According to the Chief Rabbi: “In our generation, we have no rabbi who can decide against all the mentioned previous Gedolim. All of them expressed their pure intention to forbid entering Har Habayis in our time. In addition, even those entering after toiveling, and goes just to a specific place, (if he thinks he even knows where he can go), but the Jewish tourists who see a man with a kippa on his head, they also follow him, and they enter ‘lifnai u’lifnim’ and without toiveling.”

“And even when Kallah enters Har Habayis on her wedding day together with all the bridesmaids, family members and children, they are all entering an Issur of Karess, and that they have no fear of Hashem. ‘על כל אלה יביאך האלוקים במשפט'”.

At the end of his words, the rav appealed to the politicians: “Therefore, I call on all members of the Knesset and all the ministers to follow the rulings of the Chief Rabbinate of Israel over the generations. Almost all of the great rabbis of the previous generations, all of them vehemently prohibited entry to Har Habayis. This is a Safek Kares, and one is to be extremely stringent in this matter.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. As I counselled to Arutz Sheva yesterday: (See

    “PM Netanyahu and the Israeli Police are correct to accede to the King of Jordan and the Wakf’s request to bar MK Ariel from ascending to the Temple Mount/Haram al Sharif this coming Sunday. But surely Ariel must have been aware that the new conditions for Jewish MK’s visiting is clear that they can only visit once every three months. He was only up there a couple of weeks ago nu. Is his memory going. Is he suffering from early onset dementia? I don’t think so.

    He should also take note that many Sunni groups in Jerusalem, The West Bank, Gaza and further afield are keeping a very close eye on Jewish movements on and intentions towards the Noble Sanctuary. Is now, (Gaza!), really a good time to inflame/provoke the situation? The Israeli Police, Shin Bet and Aman must be cognizant of the Action-Reaction dynamic with the Platform. (Remember what happened with the Israeli flag provocation just over a year ago.)

    This is another case of one of the “Demolish the Golden Dome and Build the Third Temple Now !!!” meshugannehs trying to push the envelope/hasten things.

    This Tisha B’Av they should pull out their Tanach and take note of the following prophecy/warning made by King Solomon towards the end of his reign, circa 940 bce:

    “I charge you, O daughters of Jerusalem, that ye stir not up, nor awake my love, until he please.”

    Song of Songs 8:4

    שַׁבָּת שָׁלוֹם

    Adam Neira
    World Peace 2050
    Founded April 2000

    P.S. Moshe Dayan’s best decision of his life was to not demolish the Golden Dome and Al Aqsa Mosque when he had the chance in June 1967. Why? Because G-d wants the site to be a stable, ordered, benevolent, expansive platform for all of humankind. A real Noble Sanctuary. The State of Israel is not the sovereign over the Haram al Sharif/Temple Mount. The Israel Land Authority does not have the title deed to the property. The idea that the Israeli flag will fly over the Platform is a non-starter. (The truth is that the Platform should be free of ALL flags, and that includes the Star of David, the Palestinian flag, the Shehada and all other political or national banners.) Of course various Israeli authorities, like the Police, can and do help with day to day management of the site but the Wakf’s role cannot be ignored. Ditto the King of Jordan. The 150,000 sq.m. trapezoid platform at the edge of the Old City of Jerusalem really is crown land for a very special crown. Stay Tuned…”

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